CBC Edition

SUV stolen from Toronto driveway shows up 50 days later — and 11,000 km away

- Thomas Daigle

When a Toronto man looked out at his driveway on a holiday Monday last August and saw his SUV was gone — the second one to be stolen that year — he said one thought came to his mind:

"Not again."

Using Apple AirTags he had hidden in the vehicle, Andrew tracked the 2022 GMC Yukon XL to a nearby rail yard, then to the Port of Montreal, and ultimately to a used car lot in the United Arab Emirates.

After pleading with police to help retrieve the truck, he hired a private investigat­or and even contacted Interpol, to no avail.

CBC News has agreed to conceal Andrew's full name and identifyin­g details, as his family fears reprisals for fight‐ ing back against the thieves.

WATCH | Toronto man tracks his stolen SUV all the way to another continent:

Andrew's extraordin­ary ef‐ forts provide a rare glimpse into an overseas shipping route used by criminals amid Canada's auto theft epidemic.

"We've done everything we possibly can, save going over there and trying to take it back ourselves," he said in an interview. "I want my truck back."

Police approached truck, but didn't retrieve it

After a vacation away from home last summer, Andrew and his wife returned at around 8:30 p.m. on Aug. 7 to an unnerving scene. Parked in the driveway, their SUV's steering wheel was bent in‐ ward — the anti-theft lock still secured — and the driver's seat was set further back than usual.

The couple recognized the signs that criminals had dropped by and tried to nab their Yukon. They'd had the same model SUV stolen from the same place in May.

They planned to have a quick meal and then block the SUV with their other vehicle, but they never got the chance — by the time they were done eating around 9:15 p.m., Andrew said, the SUV was gone.

After Andrew received his second Yukon earlier that year, he hid two tiny Apple tracking devices in the vehicle to locate it in the event of an‐ other theft. Once the SUV dis‐ appeared, he said he watched on his smartphone for hours as the AirTags pinged in loca‐ tions across the Greater Toronto Area.

Andrew said he alerted Toronto police, as well as Peel and York regional forces as the vehicle crossed into those nearby areas. Then, two days after the theft, Andrew said an officer finally moved in.

One of his AirTags pinged from Canadian Pacific Kansas City railway's (CPKC) terminal in Vaughan, north of Toronto. He phoned York Regional

Police and later heard directly from an officer who agreed to take action.

Andrew texted the officer a screenshot showing the pre‐ cise location of the AirTag. As the officer approached the rail yard, Andrew's second Air‐ Tag started pinging at the same location, suggesting the Bluetooth signal emitted by the device had connected to the officer's smart‐ phone. (The tracker relies on nearby GPS-enabled devices to determine its location.)

Andrew received a picture taken from inside a police car, parked near two containers sitting on a railcar. "It's defi‐ nitely in one of those contain‐ ers," the officer said in a series of text messages viewed by CBC News. But the York of‐ ficer said they didn't "have the authority to open the containers." Instead, they di‐ rected Andrew to the rail‐ way's private police service.

Andrew said CPKC police didn't respond to the scene that night and the train carry‐ ing his truck took off soon af‐ ter. "That's the pinnacle of the frustratio­n," Andrew told CBC, "knowing that it's still here, but it's about to disappear."

CPKC spokespers­on Terry Cunha declined to discuss the incident, but said in a state‐ ment the railway "works with federal, provincial and local law enforcemen­t agencies ex‐ ecuting a number of strate‐ gies to identify and recover stolen vehicles."

Next stop Montreal, then overseas

By Aug. 11, one of the AirTags was pinging from a rail yard in Smiths Falls, in eastern Ontario, then three days later from the Port of Montreal.

Again, Andrew said he alerted local police, but watched helplessly as the Air‐ Tag went offline for nearly a month. It surfaced again on Sep. 6, an ocean away, at one of Europe's largest shipping ports in Antwerp, Belgium.

Then, on Sep. 26, the track‐ er — and the SUV — showed up at a port near Dubai, some 11,000 kilometres from Toron‐ to.

Andrew's father, a retired lawyer, had taken on the case in his spare time and spent hours researchin­g how to get the vehicle back. The family hired a private investigat­or in the U.A.E. who found the vehi‐ cle in a used car lot. He sent Andrew pictures of the Yukon parked next to other GMC and Chevrolet trucks for sale.

The vehicle identifica­tion number (VIN), still visible through the windshield, matched that of Andrew's stolen Yukon.

CBC has verified the VIN and the existence of the used car lot in the U.A.E. A reporter found a similar Yukon — made to "Canadian specifica‐ tions," according to the listing — for sale online near Dubai last week for roughly $80,000. Andrew said the vehi‐ cle even had the same mileage as his Yukon: 46,000 kilometres.

Circumstan­ces "un‐ usual," says senior detec‐ tive

Asked about the incident, the Toronto Police Service confirmed in a brief state‐ ment, "the case is still very ac‐ tive."

The Canada Border Ser‐ vices Agency (CBSA) declined to comment on Andrew's case. Spokespers­on Rebecca Purdy said in an email that lo‐ cal police investigat­e vehicle thefts, and that the CBSA "ac‐ ts on 100 per cent of referrals from them to stop stolen ve‐ hicles from leaving the coun‐ try."

The agency said it inter‐ cepted 1,806 stolen vehicles in 2023, a 34 per cent increase from the previous year.

A senior Ontario Provincial Police detective told CBC it would be "unusual" for law enforcemen­t to be unable to retrieve a stolen vehicle if they were told its location.

"If we know it's at a con‐ tainer lot or a container yard or the ports in Montreal, we'll make every effort to obtain it and get it back," said Det. In‐ sp. Scott Wade, deputy direc‐ tor of the province's Orga‐ nized Crime Towing and Auto Theft Team.

He urged victims of auto theft not to try to reclaim the vehicle themselves without first contacting police.

Wade said in an interview it's "alarmingly common" for criminals to move stolen vehi‐ cles in containers on trains or trucks, then to export them to the Middle East, Europe or northern Africa. Previous CBC News investigat­ions have also uncovered stolen Canadian vehicles in West Africa.

"Right now, they're making so much money shipping cars that the low risk and high re‐ ward is too lucrative for orga‐ nized crime [to pass up]," Wade said.

Andrew said the second vehicle theft from his drive‐ way made him want to take action, because it felt like "a violation."

"You read in the news every day that there's more and more cars being stolen," Andrew said.

Andrew and his father have contacted both Emirati police and Interpol to de‐ mand they retrieve the vehi‐ cle. On Monday, he said the Yukon remained parked in the same used car lot in the U.A.E., according to the loca‐ tion of the AirTags.

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