CBC Edition

Public inquest into stabbing massacre on James Smith Cree Nation begins Monday

- Kendall Latimer

WARNING: This story con‐ tains distressin­g details.

The coroner's inquest into the mass stabbings that hap‐ pened on James Smith Cree Nation in 2022 begins Mon‐ day.

Its purpose is to set the public record straight about what happened during the vi‐ olent attacks and to prevent similar tragedies in the fu‐ ture. It's also a chance to hon‐ our the victims.

Myles Sanderson, a com‐ munity member, killed 11 people and seriously injured 17 others on Sept. 4, 2022. All of the victims were attacked on James Smith Cree Nation, except one elderly man who was killed at his home in the nearby village of Weldon.

The victims who died were Carol Burns and her son Thomas Burns, Gloria Burns, Bonnie GoodvoiceB­urns and her son Gre‐ gory "Jonesy" Burns, Earl Burns Sr., Lana and Christian Head, Robert Sanderson, Wesley Petterson (of Weldon) and Damien Sanderson — Myles Sanderson's brother.

Myles Sanderson, 32, died in custody shortly after police arrested him on Sept. 7, 2022. His death meant there could not be a trial to offer insight into how and why the stab‐ bings happened, so the Saskatchew­an Coroners Service decided to run an in‐ quest.

"I think it's important that we hold an inquest so the public and the families and the people that live on James Smith can understand, really, what happened on that day," said Clive Weighill, Saskatchew­an's chief coroner.

This is the longest and largest inquest ever run in Saskatchew­an. It's sched‐ uled for Jan. 15 to Feb. 2 at the Kerry Vickar Centre in Melfort, Sask., a small city about 30 kilometres southeast of James Smith Cree Nation.

The inquest, presided over by Coroner Blaine Beaven, be‐ gins with jury selection on Monday at 10:00 a.m. CST. Af‐ ter that the first witnesses will be called.

About 32 witnesses are ex‐ pected to give statements and share evidence. A jury of three Indigenous and three non-Indigenous people will take in the evidence and then be tasked with making recom‐ mendations at the end of the inquest.

WATCH | Coroner's in‐ quest set to begin into James Smith Cree Nation mass stabbings:

While the recommenda‐ tions are not binding, Weighill said most that come from in‐ quests are put into place. It's up to each agency, for exam‐ ple the RCMP, to consider them and then act. The rec‐ ommendatio­ns will be posted online, as will the responses of the agencies that are iden‐ tified as needing change.

Extensive details to be revealed

Weighill said the Coroners Service has worked closely with the RCMP, elders and community members in preparatio­n for the in‐ quest. The extensive details shared at the inquest could be retraumati­zing and painful for people affected by the tragedy.

It will take police investiga‐ tors days to walk the jury through what happened lead‐ ing up to and during the Sept. 4, 2022, attacks.

Forensic pathologis­ts will also explain how each victim died.

"There's been mental health specialist­s working with the families for any emo‐ tional trauma.… There will be people at the inquest that will be there if anybody starts to get triggered," Weighill said.

"We'll also have elders there as well too, for people that would want more tradi‐ tional healing."

Sanderson's actions lead‐ ing up to the killings will also be discussed, as well the pa‐ role system. Grieving family members still have many questions about why Sander‐ son was at large in their com‐ munity because at the time of the stabbings, Sanderson was wanted by police.

Sanderson had been re‐ leased from prison on statu‐ tory release in August 2021, according to parole documen‐ ts. Statutory release occurs when federal offenders have served two-thirds of a fixedlengt­h sentence.

He had been serving a nearly five-year sentence for assault, robbery, mischief and uttering threats. Upon his re‐ lease, Sanderson should have been reporting regularly to a Correction­al Service of Canada Parole Officer and abiding by certain conditions.

But a few months before the stabbings, he was declar‐ ed to be "unlawfully at large."

A separate inquest will be held to examine the circum‐ stances leading to Sander‐ son's in-custody death in Saskatoon on Feb. 26 to March 1.

Support is available for people affected by this tragedy. The Hope for Well‐ ness hotline offers immedi‐ ate help to Indigenous peo‐ ple across Canada. Mental health counsellin­g and crisis support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 1-855-242-3310 or by online chat at www.hopeforwel­l‐ ness.ca.

You can talk to a mental health profession­al via Well‐ ness Together Canada by calling 1-866-585-0445 or text WELLNESS to 686868 for youth or 741741 for adults. It is free and confidenti­al.

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