CBC Edition

Steven MacKinnon to step in as Liberal House leader with Gould set to begin parental leave

- Christian Paas-Lang

Liberal MP Steven MacKin‐ non will be sworn in Mon‐ day as the government's chief co-ordinator in the House of Commons, with Karina Gould departing for parental leave.

MacKinnon, who represen‐ ts the riding of Gatineau, Que., will be sworn in at Rideau Hall on Monday morn‐ ing. He'll take on the role of government House leader, re‐ sponsible for handling the government's legislativ­e agenda and organizing the day-to-day business of the party's legislativ­e actions.

MacKinnon, 57, was first elected to the House in 2015 and previously served as par‐ liamentary secretary to the minister of public services and procuremen­t.

He'll be filling in on an in‐ terim basis for Gould, who is leaving the post to go on parental leave. Gould is preparing to welcome her sec‐ ond child, and has spoken previously about the stress of returning to parliament­ary life after a leave of just a few months when her son was born in 2019.

Gould, who represents the riding of Burlington, Ont., told The Canadian Press she would continue to vote re‐ motely and attend cabinet meetings virtually.

Gould became House leader during Prime Minister

Justin Trudeau's major cabinet shuffle last summer, when nearly all portfolios swapped hands. She had pre‐ viously held several cabinet roles, including minister of families, children and social developmen­t; minister of in‐ ternationa­l developmen­t; and minister of democratic institu‐ tions.

Gould, 36, made history as the youngest woman ever to be named a cabinet minister, as well as the first to give birth while in office.

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