CBC Edition

Newly unsealed Epstein documents leave Prince Andrew with 'much to answer for'

- Anna Cunningham

It is no surprise to see Prince Andrew named in recently unsealed U.S. court documents detailing dozens of associates of Jef‐ frey Epstein, the late U.S. financier and convicted sex offender and traffick‐ er.

The 63-year-old Duke of York has remained out of public life since a disastrous BBC interview in 2019, in which he defended his friend‐ ship with Epstein and caused public outrage.

In February 2022, Andrew settled a U.S. civil case brought by Virginia Giuffre, who alleged he had sexually assaulted her more than two decades ago, when she was 17. He has always denied the allegation­s, insisting he had no memory of ever meeting her.

Since then, he has kept a low profile, although there have been signs recently of a possible return to public royal duties.

But Sarah Hewson, royal editor for the British channel Talk TV, said this week's reve‐ lations from across the At‐ lantic were "a reminder that this is not going away."

"It will be deeply embar‐ rassing for a senior member of the Royal Family to be im‐ plicated in this way," said Hewson.

'Really excruciati­ng' for Andrew and royals

The British media has in‐ evitably weighed in on the latest news. The Daily Mail has called it "The 'final nail in the coffin' for Prince Andrew," while the Telegraph stated, "Epstein files could not have come at a worse time for Prince Andrew." An analysis in the Guardian said "Epstein court files damage Prince An‐ drew's hopes of restoring rep‐ utation."

The unsealed court docu‐ ments were filed by Giuffre in her separate lawsuit against Ghislaine Maxwell, the British socialite who was convicted in December 2021 of sex traffick‐ ing and similar charges for procuring teen girls for Ep‐ stein.

WATCH | What the un‐ sealed documents say:

What's notable about these documents is that they make public for the first time a deposition by another woman, Johanna Sjoberg, who alleges the prince groped her at Epstein's Manhattan apartment in 2001 while play‐ ing with a comic puppet of himself. Buckingham Palace had previously said her allega‐ tions are "categorica­lly un‐ true."

"We've heard Johanna Sjoberg's claims before, but seeing [Andrew's] name in black and white is really ex‐ cruciating for him and for the wider Royal family," said Hew‐ son.

In her testimony, Sjoberg said, "I sat on Andrew's lap and they took the puppet's hands and put it on Virginia's breast, and so Andrew put his [hand] on mine [Sjoberg's breast]."

The eternal problem for Andrew, who was stripped of his military honours and royal patronages and no longer uses his HRH title, is that his name is forever entwined with Epstein, who died by sui‐ cide in jail in 2019.

"The fact that he is named so many times in the Epstein files will clearly inflict further damage on his already tat‐ tered reputation," said Joe Lit‐ tle, editor of Majesty magaz‐ ine, in an interview with CBC News.

Buckingham Palace largely mum

Once labelled "Air Miles Andy" by the British press due to his globe-trotting — often to play golf — Andrew now lives with his ex-wife, Sarah, Duchess of York, in Windsor, west of Lon‐ don.

His last public appearance was on Christmas Day, when he accompanie­d Sarah and his daughters, princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, as they went to church near the King's estate in Sandringha­m.

Last year, there was specu‐ lation that the prince was being quietly rehabilita­ted in‐ to royal life; for example, he was pictured travelling with Prince William and his wife, Catherine. But any possibilit­y of Andrew returning to life as a working royal now seems firmly ruled out.

Buckingham Palace has kept silent in recent years, mindful of angry public opin‐ ion about the scandal. Its last comments on the issue were made in January 2022, when it announced that "with The

Queen's approval and agreement, The Duke of York's military affiliatio­ns and Royal patronages have been returned to The Queen." The palace also stated he would continue not to carry out any public duties.

Andrew himself has re‐ mained in the shadows, but caused a stir when he accom‐ panied his mother at a memorial service to her late husband, Prince Philip, in March 2022.

"It would appear that the King is of the same opinion as his late mother," said Little, noting that Andrew "will al‐ ways be a member of the Royal family and thus be in‐ cluded in private events, such as Christmas at Sandring‐ ham."

On Thursday, the U.K. antimonarc­hist group Republic said it had reported Andrew to the Metropolit­an Police. In a statement, Republic's CEO, Graham Smith, said, "I am call‐ ing on the Met police to reopen this case, I am calling on MPs to debate this affair in parliament, and I am calling on [King] Charles to make a public statement — in front of the press and taking ques‐ tions — to respond to these allegation­s and what they say about the monarchy."

King Charles has been on the throne for just over a year. Headlines about his brother will be most unwel‐ come as he tries to make his mark after his mother's reign.

Experts said the King will want to publicly distance him‐ self from any scandal, and the publicatio­n of the Epstein pa‐ pers could give him the per‐ fect excuse to slim down the number of working royals.

Slim chance of public rehabilita­tion

Royal historian and author Carolyn Harris predicts An‐ drew will keep a low profile and that there will likely be further public scrutiny of his finances.

"There may be public pres‐ sure on King Charles III to fur‐ ther reduce the privileges en‐ joyed by certain non-working members of the Royal family," she said, "including use of roy‐ al residences and Prince An‐ drew's security."

But a path to public reha‐ bilitation for Prince Andrew now seems impossible.

"Were the Duke of York a different person, I suspect the King would still accept his support as a working royal, in

the same way that the Princess Royal [Princess Anne] and the Duke of Edinburgh [Prince Edward] do so much important work," said Barry Mackenzie, a royal historian at St. Francis Xavier Univer‐ sity.

"However, that ship has sailed, and Prince Andrew has much to answer for."

Hewson is more categori‐ cal.

"There is no rehabilita­tion for Prince Andrew, it is very much over for him," she said. "The dark shadow of his friendship with Epstein is very much ever present."

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