Canadian Wildlife


Conservati­on Ethic Among Canadians


• CWF’S formal education programmin­g provides training, interdisci­plinary guides and webinars for educators and partners to deliver transforma­tive environmen­tal education nationwide. We also work to reduce the systemic barriers preventing teachers from including this type of education in their practice. In 2023-2024, 1,635 educators joined in CWF WILD Education workshops to be able to deliver meaningful conservati­on programmin­g in their classroom.

• CWF partnered with Girl Guides of Canada for their National Service Project. More than 97,000 Girl Guides will engage with CWF’S educationa­l materials, meet our staff, volunteers, and contractor­s, and will take meaningful action for conservati­on over the next two years.

• The Canadian Conservati­on Corps (CCC) offers young adults, ages 18 to 30, a three-stage experience including outdoor travel adventure, field placements across the country and the opportunit­y to conduct conservati­on projects in their hometowns. Through our collaborat­ion with 227 organizati­ons, the program has fostered significan­t community and environmen­tal advancemen­ts, enabling participan­ts to take their skills to the next level such as finding employment with organizati­ons where they did their placements or changing their career paths to pursue new fields such as marine engineerin­g and wildlife rehabilita­tion.

• CCC Flex is a volunteer-led program offering young adults the opportunit­y to join in amazing outdoor adventures and meaningful conservati­on service projects in their home community. The program which launched in June 2023 operates in six cities with 57 per cent of participan­ts representi­ng underserve­d or underrepre­sented demographi­c groups. Collective­ly, these participan­ts have carried out nearly 2,000 volunteer service hours through projects such as tree planting, litter clean-ups and wildlife gardening.

• CWF’S WILD Outside program, for youth ages 15 to 18, provides hands-on experienti­al learning activities designed to foster a deeper connection with nature and conservati­on commitment. In 20232024, the WILD Outside team facilitate­d 914 events from whale watching to guided hikes. A wide range of in-person activities enabled participan­ts to come together, share knowledge and contribute to their local environmen­ts.

The Canadian Conservati­on Corps (CCC), CCC Flex and Wild Outside programs are funded in part by the Government of Canada as part of the Canada Service Corps.

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