Calgary Herald





The Downloaded

Robert J. Sawyer. In 2059, two very different groups have their minds uploaded into a quantum computer in Ontario. Canadian author


The Traitor's Son

Dave Duncan. A science fiction novel about a colony world where everything that could go wrong already has. Canadian author


The Bezzle: A Martin Hench Novel

Cory Doctorow. A high-stakes thriller where the lives of the hundreds of thousands of inmates in California's prisons are traded like stock shares.


The Phoenix Crown

Kate Quinn and Janie Chang. A thrilling narrative about the intertwine­d lives of two wronged women. Canadian author


Shout Kill Revel

Jarret Hartnell. Helmina, an introvert with a mysterious affliction, is dragged through the West by those hoping to exploit her. Local author


The Left Hand of Darkness Ursula K. Leguin (David Mitchell, introducti­on and Charlie Jane Anders, afterward). Embracing the aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion in an alien world.


Bury the Lead

Kate Hilton and Elizabeth Renzetti. A big-city journalist finds a community full of secrets ... and murder. Canadian authors


Red Team Blues: A Martin Hench Novel

Corey Doctorow. A grabby thriller about cryptocurr­ency shenanigan­s.


Everyone on This Train is a Suspect

Benjamin Stevenson. A fiendishly fun locked room (train) murder mystery that offers a tip of the hat to the great Agatha Christie novel.


Amazing Grace Adams

Fran Littlewood. An invisible everywoman pushed to the brink finally pushes back.



Fire Weather: The Making of a Beast

John Vaillant. A riveting journey through the intertwine­d histories of the oil industry and the birth of climate science. Canadian author


Know My Name: A Memoir Chanel Miller. Know My Name will forever transform the way we think about sexual assault.


Women Holding Things

Maira Kalman. An exploratio­n of the significan­ce of the objects we carry — in our hands, hearts, and minds.


Run Towards the Danger: Confrontat­ions with a Body of Memory

Sarah Polley. Oscar-nominated screenwrit­er, director, and actor explores her past and her present. Canadian author


The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder

David Grann. A grand tale of human behaviour at the extremes.


Age of Revolution­s: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present

Fareed Zakaria. Combines intellectu­al range, deep historical insight, and uncanny prescience to reframe and illuminate our turbulent present.


Cookies I Have Loved: The Recipes I Make Most Often

Julie Van Rosendaal. Collection includes bestseller­s from a cookie bakery in the '90s, inherited recipes, and favourites developed over the years. Local author.


The Life of Birds

David Attenborou­gh. Sir David has no equal in helping others to learn about nature and making it exciting.


The Storytelle­r: Tales of Life and Music

Dave Grohl. Featuring the Foo Fighters' lead singer's heartfelt voice and the energy that pours from every page.


The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War

Erik Larson. Political horror story captures the forces that led America to the brink.

Compiled from informatio­n from Owl's Nest Books and Shelf Life Books.

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