The Monitor (Botswana)

Letlole La Rona’s investment­s bear fruit

- Larona Makhaiza

Botswana Stock Exchange-listed Letlole La Rona Limited (LLR) says the performanc­e of its portfolio was solid during the last part of last year buoyed by the acquisitio­n of additional stake in a key shopping mall in the capital.

According to the Letlole’s interim results for half year ended December 31, 2023, during the period it acquired an additional 25% shareholdi­ng in JTTM Properties (Proprietar­y) Limited (JTTM), the holding company of Railpark Mall.

The deal resulted in JTTM becoming a subsidiary of the company at a shareholdi­ng of 57.79% and in the process uplifting the value of Letlole’s investment portfolio from the prior year’s P1.4 billion to close at P1.6 billion as at December 31, 2023.

As a result of this, at group level, the investment portfolio value increased from P1.5 billion to P2.0 billion.

The company’s CEO, Kamogelo Mowaneng said they had been enjoying strong returns from strategic investment­s in their property investment portfolio that range from retail space to industrial space investment­s.

“During the period under review, our portfolio continued to perform strongly, with improvemen­ts across all key metrics as a result of our ongoing focus on portfolio growth and optimisati­on,” she said.

“We are pleased to report a successful first half of the 2024 financial year, where we managed to not only grow the portfolio through strategic acquisitio­ns and value accretive refurbishm­ents but also recycled capital through the disposal of Moedi House as well as the ongoing sale of section titles at Red Square Apartments.

At the group level, the CEO further revealed they have made acquisitio­ns that were expected to deliver strong returns to shareholde­rs.

“The acquisitio­n of an additional 25% stake in JTTM Properties significan­tly uplifted the value of our investment portfolio to P2.0 billion at a Group level.

“Our investment portfolio was further differenti­ated by the quality of our tenant base, as demonstrat­ed by above market occupancy levels of 99.15% and strong collection­s of above 100% for the period.”

The listed group’s ‘Go to Africa’ strategy suffered a knock early last year when a shareholde­r tussle resulted in the exit of Grit Real Estate, the pan-African group that was leading LLR’s push into the continent.

From being the second largest equity holder with a 30% stake, Grit gradually shed its holdings in LLR to zero, citing a change in its strategy. Prior to its exit, Grit helped LLR finalize a $15 million equity deal in Kenya, the local property group’s first expansion into the continent.

The acquisitio­n of an additional 25% stake in JTTM Properties significan­tly uplifted the value of our investment portfolio to P2.0 billion at a Group level

 ?? PIC: LLR LINKEDIN PAGE ?? Letlole La Rona Limited Chief Executive Officer Ms Kamogelo Mowaneng giving a presentati­on at the results announceme­nt for the half year ended 31st December 2023
PIC: LLR LINKEDIN PAGE Letlole La Rona Limited Chief Executive Officer Ms Kamogelo Mowaneng giving a presentati­on at the results announceme­nt for the half year ended 31st December 2023

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