The Monitor (Botswana)

Gov’t sets up fund for disasters like Limpopo accident

- Larona Makhaiza

Government has establishe­d the Motlamedi Disaster Emergency Fund, which is aimed at providing swift assistance during times of crisis in the future. This was pronounced on Thursday by President Mokgweetsi Masisi in a solemn address at the national memorial service for the 45 Batswana pilgrims who perished in a bus accident recently in the Limpopo Province, South Africa.

The President’s announceme­nt comes in the wake of the tragic bus accident that overturned and fell over a bridge in Mamatlakal­a, where only an eight-year-old girl survived. The bus accident, which claimed the lives of the pilgrims, sent shockwaves across the nation. At a memorial service held at the University of Botswana Indoor Sports Arena on Thursday, Masisi expressed his deepest condolence­s to the families of the victims and assured that government intends to support them during this difficult time before disclosing government’s plans.

“Our nation is mourning this great loss and today you demonstrat­ed your compassion by gathering in all districts to pay respect to the departed souls and show support to their families. “And now ladies and gentlemen, I wish to inform you that government has set up a fund called Motlamedi Disaster Emergency Fund,” he revealed. However, Masisi said families of the 45 pilgrims who perished in the tragic bus accident will not benefit from the new fund as it has not yet been rolled out. “This new fund strategy is designed to assist the bereaved families in future and the details about the fund will be provided in the shortest possible time,” he added. Moreover, Masisi highlighte­d that the fund will not be open to minor crisis, but emergencie­s like that of the bus accident. “The fund will assist in future in mass causality incidents only,” he clarified.

This new fund strategy is designed to assist the bereaved families in future and the details about the fund will be provided in the shortest possible time

 ?? ?? 45 Batswana pilgrims perished in a bus accident recently in the Limpopo Province
45 Batswana pilgrims perished in a bus accident recently in the Limpopo Province

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