The Monitor (Botswana)

Tertiary roadshows begin today

- Kabelo Boranabi Correspond­ent

In effort to take services much closer to aspiring students, local higher learning institutio­ns will today begin the annual Botswana Tertiary Institutio­ns National Roadshows.

This year’s national roadshow will be marking its 10th anniversar­y and it has attracted 25 institutio­ns, making it the largest number of exhibitors for the show. This is also a considerab­le increase from last year’s 18 and it is held under the theme, ‘Promoting a seamless partnershi­p in tertiary education’.

The roadshow will visit Shakawe, Kasane, Gantsi, Nata, Tutume, Masunga, Francistow­n, Tsabong, Jwaneng, Letlhakane, Kanye, Serowe, Lobatse, Molepolole, Bobonong, Mahalapye, Selibe-Phikwe and Palapye.

Speaking at the roadshows’ launch held at Boitekanel­o College campus on Friday, Botswana Tertiary Institutio­ns National Roadshows chairperso­n, Chris Moiketsi said the collaborat­ion echoes the institutio­ns’ commitment of providing access to education.

He said the roadshows provide equal opportunit­ies to widely spread applicants. Moiketsi further said the roadshows also highlight the level of maturity of higher learning institutio­ns in Botswana, instead of engaging in competitio­n they opted to collaborat­e and partner. “We have seen growth and improvemen­t in the last two years with ETPs (Education and Training Providers) developing and accreditin­g market driven programmes which do not only ready our graduates for the local market, but to become global citizens with sound entreprene­urial skills,” Moiketsi said.

“We are confident in the programmes we are selling to the applicants; we ensure that we sell them quality programmes that are of high standard. I must emphasise that not all institutio­ns have physical presence outside Gaborone and Francistow­n hence it is important to ensure that over and above our individual online applicatio­n platforms, we also reach out to the applicants wherever they are.”

He said the roadshows will aid aspiring applicants in areas where there is no or limited Internet connection. The roadwhows are to be launched this morning in Maun at Botswana Open University Grounds. The initiative will run from today until May 8. The exhibitors include Boitekanel­o College, IDM, New Era College of Science and Technology, Botho University, Gaborone University College of Law & Profession­al Studies (GUC), Botswana Accountanc­y College, and DDT College of Medicine.

The list also includes BIUST, BUAN, Kitso Internatio­nal College, Gaborone College of Culinary Arts, Institute of Health Sciences (IHS), BOSWA, Logan University College, CIMA, Imperial School of Business, Mega Size College, Bosa Bosele Training College, GIPS, ABM, BAISAGO University, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, and Arthur Portland College. The exhibitors will also donate sanitary towels to six selected primary schools around the country.

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