The Monitor (Botswana)

Letlhakane records 5 rape incidents in a week

- Lesedi Mkhutshwa Correspond­ent

Letlhakane village has seen a spike in rape cases, with five incidents reported in just one week.

According to Letlhakane Police Station commander, Superinten­dent Michael Maphephu, the victims range from minors to an early middle aged woman.

He explained that most of the attacks occurred when the victims were left unsupervis­ed or a woman walking alone at night.

Maphephu expressed concern over the alarming rise in rape cases, highlighti­ng the fact that alcohol consumptio­n amongst residents is often a factor.

He said four of the cases they registered involve minors under 16 years of age whereas the other victim is a 38-years-old woman.

The station head added that out of the five recorded rape cases in his policing area, three took place at Sekwe ward, while the other two happened in Metsiaela ward commonly known as Buhe. Maphephu said they have noticed a trend that most of the rape cases involving minors happen when they are alone at home. He further said that sexual assaults incidents that involve older women happen whilst they are walking home at night unaccompan­ied, mostly coming from entertainm­ent areas. Maphephu said he is worried about the escalating rape incidents.

Not only is Letlhakane overwhelme­d with these cases, most areas in Botswana continue to register high numbers of rape cases and defilement. In 2020, the Botswana Police Service recorded 1, 825 cases of defilement while 2, 033 were recorded in 2021 and 2, 059 in 2022.

Most of the attacks occurred when the victims were left unsupervis­ed or a young woman walking alone at night

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