The Monitor (Botswana)

Boyfriend, 44, kills 70-yearold girlfriend for ‘cheating’

- Lebogang Mosikare Correspond­ent

FRANCISTOW­N: A Nata man appeared before the Francistow­n Magistrate’s Court on Thursday to face a charge of murder.

The accused, Goitsemodi­mo Mbise aged 44, allegedly murdered Dimakatso Mokhutshwa­ne, 70, between March 28 and April 1.

The prosecutio­n alleges that Mbise suspected Mokhutshwa­ne of cheating on him with another man and was the last person seen with her.

During the hearing, Detective Sergeant Linah Johannes, the Investigat­ing Officer (IO), informed

Senior Magistrate Thapelo Buang that Mbise was arrested on April 1.

“When we interviewe­d Mbise, he volunteere­d to show us where the deceased was.

The deceased was reported missing on March 28. Mbise then took us to the crime scene, where we found the deceased wrapped in a blanket and tied with Number 8 wire on her hands. She was thrown into a water drainage system,” Johannes said.

“The accused admitted to having an infidelity dispute with the deceased and confessed to hitting her, resulting in her collapse. He claimed to have spent the entire night with the deceased, who showed no signs of life. He then disposed of the deceased’s body in an old water drainage system.”

She expressed concern that granting bail to the accused could jeopardide the ongoing investigat­ions and endanger Mbise’s safety, given the anger of the Nata community over the incident.

The deceased, who was residing in an old abandoned house in Nata despite having her own residence, leaves behind four children.

Magistrate Buang granted the prosecutio­n’s applicatio­n and remanded Mbise in custody to facilitate uninterrup­ted police investigat­ions.

 ?? Goitsemodi­mo Mbise ??
Goitsemodi­mo Mbise

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