The Monitor (Botswana)

BPF to strategica­lly deploy independen­t candidates

- Tsaone Basimanebo­tlhe Staff Writer

SEROWE: The Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) leadership meeting held here over the weekend has devised a plan to field independen­t candidates in constituen­cies and wards where they believe they’ve been short-changed and allocated to other coalition partners.

The party leadership reckons they could outperform their partners in those areas and anticipate­s members returning after elections if they win.

According to a source, some members see this plan as preferable to completely leaving the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) or causing friction within it.

They identify potential stronghold­s like Mahalapye East and West, Palapye, Francistow­n East, Tswapong North, and various wards including Jwaneng-Mabutsane and Francistow­n South amongst others.

However, the decision has caused internal rifts within the party, with some members opposing it. In Serowe constituen­cies, divisions have arisen over leaders, with some believing those advocating for the UDC exit fear competitio­n during primaries.

“The party is deeply divided in Serowe because we’ve insisted on holding primary elections. Those against the UDC will run under the BPF symbol as independen­t candidates. This move will impact BPF even in their areas. “It’s a misguided decision, leaving our members feeling excluded from certain contests. Our people are unwilling to compromise,” the source revealed.

Another source disclosed that BPF campaigns will focus on retaining some areas and capturing new ones, strategica­lly bolstering the party. The source mentioned that the BPF wouldn’t actively support other coalition partners, a move that might lead to retaliatio­n from others.

However, BPF president Mephato Reatile refuted these claims. He affirmed the party’s commitment to working with partners to oust the Botswana Democratic Party from power.

 ?? BPF press conference PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO ??
BPF press conference PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

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