The Monitor (Botswana)

Court stops BONU from increasing subscripti­ons

- Goitsemodi­mo Kaelo Staff Writer

Lobatse High Court judge, Reuben Lekorwe, has stopped Botswana Nurses Union (BONU) from increasing its membership subscripti­ons.

This follows the resolution by the union’s executive committee (CEC) to increase membership subscripti­on from a fixed amount of P100 monthly to one percent of a member’s salary or P200 for members without a deduction code at the end of February. The increment was to take effect from April 1, 2024.

It seems the decision to increase the membership subscripti­on did not go down well with some members of BONU who approached the court to interdict the union and its president, Peter Baleseng and secretary general, Lebogang Phillip from implementi­ng the increment. The applicants in this matter are Unangono Modo and Jabulane Montsho (suspended chairperso­n and secretary for Gaborone Branch and Region 1 respective­ly), Ishmael Magogodi, Kelebogile Molatlhegi, Cynthia Monei and Boitumelo Kamanga.

According to court papers, the applicant’s impugn this decision arguing that it is contrary to the union’s constituti­on. The applicants complain that the CEC has committed a constituti­onal wrong by arrogating to itself the powers that properly belong to the Annual General Conference (AGC).

However, Baleseng and Phillip believe the constituti­on empowers the CEC to run the affairs of the union in between the annual conference­s which may include increasing membership subscripti­ons.

They aver that the union has been operating on a budget deficit for several financial years and not raising the subscripti­ons could widen the deficit to P5 million. They argued that this is a lot compared to the paltry amounts to be deducted from the applicant’s salaries.

In a ruling delivered on March 26, Judge Lekorwe ordered the CEC or any officer or structure purporting to represent the union against implementi­ng the decision pending the final determinat­ion of the review proceeding­s launched by the applicants.

Judge Lekorwe agreed with the applicants that they have the individual right to defend the constituti­on of the union. He agreed that the applicants have a prima facie right.

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