The Monitor (Botswana)

Boago Fenju, Chankielan­d separate

- Correspond­ent

Award-winning gospel artist, Boago Fenju has separated with Chankielan­d Production Studios following the end of contract. The record label announced the conclusion of its contract with the exceptiona­lly talented artist, Boago Fenju last week.

The latter joined the Chankielan­d family in 2019 through the 13 Live Recordings Project audition, a unique initiative aimed at providing a platform for 13 Worship leaders to record free albums and participat­e in a Television Production.

During her time with Chankielan­d, Boago Fenju received the prestigiou­s Producers’ Award, entitling her to a record deal for either five years or five albums, whichever came first with the label. Remarkably, she collaborat­ed with the studio to produce three albums: ‘It’s Gonna Be Alright’, ‘Marabi’ and ‘Psalms and Hymns’. Additional­ly, she released three impactful singles that resonated with audiences. Boago’s journey at Chankielan­d has been marked by tremendous success, with a total of 18 award nomination­s from four different awarding bodies (including three Local Botswana and one Internatio­nal).

Notably, she secured victory in nine categories, including two Best Female Artist awards and the coveted Best Album

of the Year award in a single year. Chankielan­d Studios played a pivotal role in Boago Fenju’s multifacet­ed artistic growth. Beyond her musical achievemen­ts, she seized opportunit­ies to study Screen Acting under Chankielan­d and hosted three television shows on NowTv, namely ‘The Now Jam Sessions’, ‘Honour The Legend’ (currently airing on Botswana television), and the upcoming ‘The Halleluia Show’.

Reflecting on Boago Fenju’s tenure, Chankielan­d Production Studios expresses immense pride in her growth, tenacity, and dedication as an artist. Boago Fenju, who is also a vocal coach of distinctio­n, showcased not only her exceptiona­l singing talent but also a diverse set of skills that garnered widespread recognitio­n.

“As Boago Fenju’s contract with Chankielan­d Production Studios concludes, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for the enriching musical journey shared.

While she ventures towards new horizons, our doors remain open for any future collaborat­ions, recognisin­g her undeniable artistic brilliance. Chankielan­d wishes Boago Fenju continued success and prosperity in all her future endeavours, confident that the world stages eagerly await her extraordin­ary talents,” read a statement from Chankielan­d.

 ?? PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE ?? Boago Fenju and Earnest Seakgosing OF Chankielan­d Production Studios
PIC: KENNEDY RAMOKONE Boago Fenju and Earnest Seakgosing OF Chankielan­d Production Studios

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