Botswana Guardian



The electrifyi­ng Jam for Brunch concept has returned to reclaim back the first Sunday of the month. The event, one of the popular day time events that kept the city alive has been on a hiatus since 2020 due to the Covid- 19 pandemic. In recent years, the brains behind it have been eagerly anticipati­ng a big return but with the right partners. That right partner happens to be the youthful radio station, Yarona FM. is past ursday, a small brunch was held at the Zest Gaborone, for intimate guests including in ™ uencers, media and JFB stakeholde­rs. e brunch session was held in order to update guests about plans for the two partners to collaborat­e, as they both look forward to celebratin­g major milestones this year.

According to Zandile Rammekwa, this year Yarona FM is celebratin­g its silver celebratio­n while, on the other hand, JFB is celebratin­g a decade since inception.

“Yarona FM celebrates 25 years this year and has been a strong supporter of arts and entertainm­ent and a media partner to Jam for Brunch which celebrates 10 years this year,” she explains.

She explains that they took a hiatus in 2020 due to the Covid- 19 and that they have been looking forward to making a return. She also says that the event returns as day time events continue to grow and evolve.

“JFB started in 2014 as the brainchild of Basadi Dibeela, who approached Zandile Rammekwa to help create the event that has inspired and shaped day time eventing. is year is all about collaborat­ion and the two organisati­ons will work with other partners to commemorat­e their respective birthdays,” she explains. She further says that Yarona FM will kick start their celebratio­ns in August in Francistow­n, where they will host a mini- Jam that will see JFB take to the road. is will be the … rst time that JFB is taking to the road having been predominan­tly held in Gaborone. She also notes that events have evolved and changed since 2014, and that revelers appreciate seeing events beyond Gaborone. Furthermor­e, the two organisati­ons hope to reignite Botswana’s love for food and music.

Speaking about the brunch session hosted by Yarona FM’s Roman Vincent Matthys, she explains that the brunch was meticulous­ly prepped by Zest and Meat on Fire. e media engagement was also held to celebrate and show appreciati­on to those who have been with the event and relaunch of JFB.

“It was … tting to hold the event at Zest/ Gaborone Club, as Zest has been a recurring feature. e intimate breakfast was a teaser of what is

nd to come in 2024, and featured sponsors such as Simonsvlei, Audiotech, Meat on Fire, and Web tickets,” she notes.

For entertainm­ent, guests enjoyed an unplugged set by Dj Fauz and Zeus. She also shares that Game ‘ Zeus’ Bantsi, one of three JFB partners performed his classics, which Yarona FM helped make hits, since he … rst appeared on the station as part of the Rap activity Jam.

She highlights that Yarona FM and Jam for Brunch seek to co- host three events this year to be held in August, September and November and that they look forward to reviving the First Sunday of the month, and jamming with di Ÿ erent audiences in various parts of the country.

“is partnershi­p marks a continued commitment to celebrate music, food and drinks and further highlight the growth of the entertainm­ent industry. Further details will be shared on social media, follow and keep up with Yarona FM as we Jam in 2024,” she concludes.

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