Botswana Guardian



Entries for the 2024 De Beers Group Shining Light Awards ( SLA) jewelry design competitio­n are officially open. The competitio­n is a one- of a- kind and open to nationals of Botswana, South Africa, Namibia as well as Canada. Entries for this year’s Shining Light Awards competitio­n will be open from June 19 to August 16, 2024. e prize pool for this year’s competitio­n is US$ 90,000 per country. e competitio­n runs every two years and is open to jewelry designers aged between 1835 years, who are in their nal year and have graduated from a jewelry design programme or have relevant experience in jewelry design. Furthermor­e, the competitio­n provides a once in a lifetime opportunit­y for youth to showcase their talent.

Every time that the competitio­n returns, it is always a marvel to see how the future jewelry designers go all out, showcasing exquisite diamond design that always leave one lost for words. Working around a theme, designers are required to interpret and deliver a sterling and intricate design that is spectacula­r and out of this world. e theme for this year is none other than Luxury Rede ned, and it remains to be seen how the designers will interpret and bring that it to life. e competitio­n, which falls under the De Beers Group Designers Initiative ( DGBDI), a youth bene ciation skills developmen­t initiative aimed at inspiring, igniting and enabling young jewelers with world- class jewelry design and manufactur­ing skills in each of the De Beers Group diamond- producing countries, namely Botswana, Canada, Namibia as well as South Africa.

According to a press release, since its launch, more than twenty- ve years ago, the competitio­n has been a springboar­d for emerging jewelry designers across De Beers diamond producer countries including Botswana, South Africa and Namibia.

“e SLA is part of our Building Forever Sustainabi­lity Strategy commitment to Accelerate Equal opportunit­y,“explains Otsile Mabeo, Vice President for Corporate A š airs at De Beers Global Sight holder Sales.

“We at De Beers are committed to making an impact beyond the life of the mine by ensuring that every natural diamond we discover contribute­s to the sustainabl­e developmen­t of our host communitie­s wherever we have our operations. e SLA creates an enabling environmen­t for growth, skills transfer, entreprene­urship, global experience­s and mentorship in the jewelry design industry and we are excited to support the youth across Botswana, Canada, Namibia and South Africa develop jewelry design and manufactur­ing skills,” explains Mabeo.

Meanwhile, the theme: Luxury Rede ned is said to recognise the power of millennial­s and GenZ to tell this story through design. e theme calls on entrants to innovate and curate a future forward de nition of luxury that focuses on being authentic, innovative and inclusive whilst celebratin­g diversity. e release further says that the theme calls on youth to show the world what Luxury means to them.

Moses Madondo, Managing Director of De Beers Managed Operation has this to say: “e SLA has evolved over the past year from being just a jewelry design competitio­n to a youth enablement initiative that celebrates and capacitate­s jewelry design talent. It creates new and optimises existing facets of the diamond value chain from jewelry design and manufactur­ing to sales, marketing and entreprene­urship,” says Madondo.

He further says that the theme gives the entrants the space to really create something that accurately re ¡ ects their identity and values in today’s era, to de ne luxury in a brand- new way. “We are looking forward to seeing how they will interpret the theme,” explains Madondo.

Winners from the four producer countries will be announced in November 2024, at a prestigiou­s gala awards ceremony in Johannesbu­rg, following judging by an esteemed internatio­nal panel.

Lastly, the awards have been restructur­ed to meet the winner and runners- up at their particular stage of career or business. ere are three options awardees can choose from, and prizes include various combinatio­n or business support, internship­s, skills developmen­t and tuition support for studies.

For more informatio­n about the awards, and how to submit entries, go into the award’s social media pages on Instagram and Facebook.

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