Botswana Guardian

Basketball Squads enter Internatio­nal showdown

- BG Correspond­ent

Botswana’s national basketball teams, both men’s and women’s, are gearing up for an exciting internatio­nal showdown at the 8th edition of the Run 3X3 Ball Internatio­nal tournament, hosted by the Regional League Reunion Island. Scheduled for June 29- 30, the tournament promises erce competitio­n and a platform for teams to showcase their skills on the global stage.

Under the guidance of Technical Director, Tirafalo Matsetse, the teams have undergone rigorous preparatio­n, focusing on conditioni­ng, skill developmen­t, and tactical prowess.

Matsetse expressed confidence in the team’s readiness, emphasizin­g the intensive month- long training regimen that honed individual skills and team cohesion. “We have worked extensivel­y on shooting and tactical strategies,” Matsetse remarked, highlighti­ng the team’s participat­ion in a recent competitiv­e tournament hosted by promoter, Tiro Serumola, where they secured a commendabl­e second place nish.

“e objective wasn’t merely to win, but to assess our strengths and areas for improvemen­t,” Matsetse explained, noting that the competitiv­e outing provided invaluable insights ahead of the internatio­nal stage. Despite logistical challenges, including limited camp days and player commitment­s to school and work, Matsetse praised the team’s progress and expressed optimism about their prospects.

Botswana, currently ranked in the top 12 in Africa, has earned a coveted invitation to the prestigiou­s Run 3 X3 Ball Internatio­nal tournament. “Our inclusion underscore­s our growing stature in African basketball,” Matsetse asserted, hinting at potential matchups against powerhouse teams such as France, who are using the tournament for Olympic preparatio­n.

“As a smaller nation, this tournament presents an opportunit­y for us to elevate our game and learn from top- tier competitio­n,” Matsetse added optimistic­ally. e national teams departed for the tournament camp last Friday, fueled by determinat­ion and a collective drive to showcase Botswana’s basketball prowess on the global stage. With preparatio­ns complete, all eyes are now on Botswana as they embark on their quest for internatio­nal strive at the Run 3 X3 Ball Internatio­nal tournament hosted by the Regional League Reunion Island.

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