Botswana Guardian

Botswana concerned about Sudan war

Urgent, imperative need for the warring parties to cease- fire - Tsogwane Country committed to support all efforts of the African Union Commission

- Dikarabo Ramadubu

Botswana is deeply concerned about the ongoing war in Sudan, which has led to a high death toll and a severe humanitari­an crisis, a ecting neighborin­g countries as well.

Vice President Slumber Tsogwane made this statement during the virtual 1218th African Union Peace and Security Council on Heads of State and Government ( HosG).

He praised the diplomatic and political e orts of the African Union Commission’s Chairperso­n, His Excellency Musa Faki Mahamat, and the Chairperso­n of the High- Level Panel on Sudan, Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, to end the atrocities, human su ering, and gross human rights violations in Sudan, particular­ly in the Darfur region and the broader western part of the country.

Tsogwane highlighte­d the looming famine, which exacerbate­s the humanitari­an crisis in Sudan, urging renewed e orts to achieve lasting peace for the Sudanese people. He emphasised the critical importance of supporting and facilitati­ng the delivery of humanitari­an aid to those in need, especially in western Darfur, El Fasher, Khartoum, and other remote and rural areas such as Kordofan, Blue Nile states, and Merowe.

He said for this to happen, rst and foremost, there is an urgent and imperative need for the warring parties, notably the Sudanese Armed Forces ( SAF) and the Rapid Support Force ( RSF) to immediatel­y cease- re and de- escalate to allow for the commenceme­nt and resumption of dialogue.

He said as a country that firmly believes in dialogue and peaceful resolution of con ict, Botswana “strongly encourages all stakeholde­rs to redouble e orts and refocus on the devastatin­g war in Sudan, which seems to be getting forgotten as the world pays more attention to con icts in other parts of the world”.

“I wish to express our concern on the counter- productive and emerging trend of in uence from external actors,” Tsogwane said, adding that this kind of interferen­ce only exacerbate­s and fuels the war; nullifying all the peace e orts “we all desire for the people of Sudan. I wish to emphasise that the supply of weapons to the warring parties by external forces should be condemned in the strongest possible terms.”

He underscore­d that the government and the people of Botswana remain committed to support all efforts of the African Union Commission, particular­ly the Peace and Security Council, as well as the good work carried out by the Chairperso­n of the High- Level Panel on Sudan and the Inter- Government­al Authority on Developmen­t ( IGAD) in an e ort to nd peaceful resolution to the war.

“ese e orts are aimed at according the people of Sudan the opportunit­y to restore peace in our sisterly country”.

Tsogwane said as a peace- loving nation, Botswana takes pride in having previously mediated in peace talks in South Sudan through the e orts of former President, Dr. Festus Gontebanye Mogae. He said Botswana also sent a peace observer mission in the Darfur region of Sudan from 2005 to 2009. In addition, Botswana called for an immediate cease re in Sudan and restoratio­n of constituti­onal order, through an inclusive and transparen­t intra- Sudanese dialogue.

Tsogwane further emphasised Botswana’s solidarity with the people of Sudan as they continue to experience devastatin­g on- going conflict and pledge active support in consolidat­ed e orts to bring long lasting solution and ultimate peace to the country.

At the end of the meeting, the Heads of State and Government ( HosG) level adopted a communique regarding Sudan, reiteratin­g its commitment to Sudan’s sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity. e Council strongly condemned the ongoing con ict and its human rights violations, demanding an immediate cease re and prioritisa­tion of Sudanese interests by all parties involved. It expressed deep concern over the dire humanitari­an situation and ongoing violence, emphasisin­g that a sustainabl­e solution requires inclusive dialogue.

 ?? ?? Vice President Slumber Tsogwane
Vice President Slumber Tsogwane

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