Botswana Guardian

PAP focused on delivering on its mandate

- Nicholas Mokwena

A delegation of four Members of Botswana Parliament are attending the ird Ordinary Session of the 6th Legislatur­e of the Pan African Parliament and meetings of the Permanent Committees from Monday 24th June until 5th July 2024.

This year’s Session is held under the theme, “Educating an Africa t for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Education Systems for Increased Success in Inclusive, Quality and Relevant Lifelong Learning in Africa”. e Botswana delegation comprises MPs Simon Moabi, Dr Kesitegile Gobotswang, Friction Leuwe and Christian Gree .

Speaking at the opening ceremony in South Africa PAP President Chief Fortune Charumbira urged

Members to rest assured that with the PAP now back to full operationa­l functional­ity, the Bureau is also back and working diligently to refocus the institutio­n on achieving its mandate. is includes reconnecti­ng with sister AU Organs, other stakeholde­rs and the citizens of Africa, and, in so doing, “rebrand and repair the soiled image” of the Pan African Parliament.

He stated that although challenges remain, they remain rmly focused on driving the achievemen­t of meaningful results in fulfilling the PAP’s mandate.

“This is what we are called to do. is is what we should focus on delivering to an expectant continent. I, therefore, implore all of us to steer clear of regional, linguistic or leadership politics which can only serve to divide us.

“We must be guided by principle, our collective conscience and the love of the motherland in everything we do if we are to make this continenta­l Parliament effective in fulfilling the functions stated above.

“Our operative mantra, as espoused by the African Union should be ‘ Think Africa Above All.’ With this mentality, we can start talking and living our motto, ‘ One Africa, One Voice,” he told the legislator­s. Charumbira unequivoca­lly condemned the ongoing Israel i - Palestine con ict and the extensive human rights violations occurring in the region.

The PAP President emphasised the role of the Pan- African Parliament as the voice of the voiceless, a body elected to represent the interests and concerns of the African people.

“I cannot conclude my remarks without adding my voice on the Israeli- Palestine war. As the people’s elected representa­tives who are called to be the voice of the voiceless, we shall also pronounce ourselves on the horrendous human rights violations perpetrate­d by Israel in Palestine with the tacit support of a silent internatio­nal community”, he said.

Charumbira expressed sol i d ar i ty wi t h the Palestinia­n people. He stated that the hearts and minds of Africans are with the people of Palestine during this horrific time and he called for a cessation of hostilitie­s. He reiterated the call for a two- state solution, describing it as the only sustainabl­e resolution to the crisis.

PAP is currently in sessions in South Africa until early next month.

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