Botswana Guardian

Health Ministry interdicte­d from conducting interviews for senior positions

- Nicholas Mokwena

The Industrial Court has granted Botswana Nurses Union ( BONU) an interim order against the Ministry of Health and its Permanent Secretary following the advertisem­ent of D2 positions at the Ministry of Health on the 12 of June 2024.

BONU made an urgent applicatio­n on the 20th June 2024 interdicti­ng external advertisem­ent of D2 positions made on the 12th June 2024. e Union expressed rm belief that majority of their members employed under DPSM have the necessary quali cations and experience to ll vacant D2 positions at the Ministry of Health hence it was imperative to seek the interventi­on of the courts.

“A rule nisi is granted in the terms of the dra order. e return date of this rule nisi is the 2nd July 2024 at 9: 00 am and Respondent­s shall le and serve their papers responding to this applicatio­n not later than the 27th June 2024,” Gaborone Industrial Court Judge Galesitwe Baruti said this week. e union sought an order interdicti­ng and restrainin­g the PS and the Ministry from shortlisti­ng interviewe­es from the external advertisem­ent and conducting interviews for the position of Principal Nursing O cer I as per the External Advertisem­ent Vacancy Circular No. 25 of 2024 pending the ling and nalisation of the review applicatio­n.

According to a Statutory Notice to sue by the union’s attorneys, Sharp Law Group, the intended claim arose from grievances experience­d by the union stemming from an internal advertisem­ent made public on the 3rd November 2023 for the position of Principal Nursing O cer. e union argued that there are a number of nurses currently employed under the Ministry of Health whose experience fall within the ambit of the requiremen­ts of the external advertisem­ent as published.

“Albeit the list of nurses who qualify for the position as advertised by the Ministry of Health is endless, the foregoing list comprises of 16 Registered Nurses who have over 10 years of experience in their respective positions.

“When the position of Principal Nursing Ofcer I was advertised internally, these named nurses are amongst those who applied for the said position. However, none of them were called for either shortlisti­ng or any interview whatsoever,” the notice reads. e union pointed out that there are Registered Nurses and/ or Midwives who perform similar duties as those advertised for the Principal Nursing O cer I at D2 salary scale currently under the employ of the Ministry of Health. e employees, having applied for the internal position, anticipate­d the standard procedure of job applicatio­ns, which includes an interview process.

“However, to their astonishme­nt, an external advertisem­ent was issued for the same position they had applied for internally. Due to the confusion caused by this unexpected external advertisem­ent, the Complainan­ts requested a meeting with the Ministry of Health to seek clari cation. Despite their request, no response was provided.”

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