
This engaging and accessible little book is filled with both humor and profound teaching. It presents 108 metaphors for mindfulness, meditation practice, the nature of the self, change, deep acceptance, and other related concepts that Dr. Kozak has cultivated over twenty-five years of meditating, practicing yoga, and working as a clinical psychologist.

Metaphors are indispensable to understanding mindfulness, and to help deeply internalize it and make it a part of everyday life. These mentally catchy images can motivate us to practice, show us how and where to bring mindfulness to life in our personal experience, and help us employ powerful methods for transformation.


"If you want to receive mindfulness teachings in a way that is playful, wise and memorable, read this book. Arnie uses the most ancient of teaching devices--metaphorical stories and images--to convey the possibility and blessings of living a life of presence."

Tara Brach, author of Radical Acceptance

"What I loved most about this book was that the language was current and the values were traditional. It was useful wherever you dipped in to refresh yourself. A delightful book that brings your life and practice together whether you are an old timer or new practitioner."

Grace Schireson author of Zen Women

"A fresh and straightforward voice."

"This collection of very useful reflections provide us with 108 sparkling insights into mindfulness, the energy of seeing--so vital for all of us engaged in meditative living."

Larry Rosenberg

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