
A Practical and Engaging Guide for Changing the Way We Seek God's Will

How do we know God's will for our lives? This question lies at the heart of Christian life. And yet, attempting to understand our greater purpose can become a source of frustration as we look for help when making important life decisions. Spiritual retreat leader and Episcopal priest Fred Schmidt reveals how we can better recognize the difference between God's will and our own, deepen our ability to hear God's voice, and sharpen our powers of discernment.

About the author(s)

Frederick W. Schmidt, an Episcopal priest, is the director of Spiritual Life and Formation and associate professor of Christian spirituality at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. He is the former canon educator for the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., where he was the director of programs in religious education. He earned his Ph.D. from Oxford University and is a frequent lecturer at major Episcopal and United Methodist churches, national denominational clergy meetings, and spiritual retreat centers across the country.


“This book will delight mystics and heady intellectuals alike with its plain talk.” — Presbyterians Today

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