
In War on Woke: Why the New McCarthyism Is More Dangerous Than the Old, Alan Dershowitz—#1 New York Times bestselling author and one of America’s most respected legal scholars—warns of the danger to the future of civil liberties and equality in America.
Alan Dershowitz has been called “one of the most prominent and consistent defenders of civil liberties in America” by Politico and “the nation’s most peripatetic civil liberties lawyer and one of its most distinguished defenders of individual rights” by Newsweek
War on Woke exposes new McCarthyite tendencies and tactics of academia, the media, and the business community, especially high tech, that promote closed-minded intolerance. Dershowitz explains that the new woke McCarthyism challenges the basic tenets of the classic liberal (in the traditional sense) state: Freedom of expression; due process; presumption of innocence, right to counsel, equal application of the law; tolerance and respect for differing viewpoints, and that these bedrock principles are rejected by McCarthyite extremists on both the hard left and the hard right.
Analyzing the impact of this new woke McCarthyism through the relentless attempts to “get” Trump, the attention on the Bidens, and even its international manifestation relative to anti-Semitism, Israel, and the world, Dershowitz investigates the role of media and asks whether the US Supreme Court can constrain this growing threat as new woke McCarthyism becomes mainstream Americanism—especially as the current generation of students and young professionals become our political, media, business, educational, religious, and “influencer” leaders.



“I met Alan Dershowitz in 1959 as a first-year student at Yale Law School. We have been friends since. He was my best man. He has often asked my advice but rarely taken it. Alas, he would have saved himself grief. But the world would be poorer. His advocacy adds value to every controversy in which he engages. Right or wrong his truths cannot be easily dismissed. He makes you think about what you hold dear. And he never blinks. Reading his work is educational but also fun and provocative. His commitment to the law and the Constitution is religious. He is a thinker worth fighting with over issues of the highest order, and a patriot who celebrates America through loving criticism.”
—Stephen J. Trachtenberg, president emeritus George Washington University 
“Astonishingly brilliant courtroom presence [and] a subtle and compelling theorist of civil liberties.” 
—Henry Louis Gates Jr.
“An intellectual heavyweight.” 
The Economist
From War on Woke
“I am writing this book in the recognition that this generation of Americans can change the course of our history—for the better or worse. It is our responsibility to stop the new woke McCarthyism before it becomes the new Americanism that destroys our hard-earned liberties. Inaction is not an option in the face of this growing danger. Hence, this call to immediate action. This is truly a time that tests the souls of all good people who are dedicated to liberty and equality.”

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