
One may think that Donald Trump knows what he’s talking about. After all, the man—as he’ll remind you at every opportunity—has made a whopping $4 million as an entrepreneur and is far ahead of his competitors in the race to become the republican nominee for the 2016 presidential election. He’s also assertive, bold, self-assured, and argumentative. He talks as if he knows what he’s talking about. And then reality sets it. He can’t actually believe the ludicrous things that come out of his mouth. Or can he?

This brilliant, hilarious, and horrifying collection is a compilation of more than one hundred of the most mind-boggling, insane, crass, ignorant, and downright offensive statements he's made, Tweeted, or otherwise written. We’ll cover his thoughts on public policy, international relations, President Barack Obama, his opponents, himself—and much, much more. So buckle up, America, because common sense, experience, grace, and political knowledge—who needs them? As Trump said, he will be one of the greatest presidents “that God ever created.”

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