
A guide to changing negative emotions and promoting happiness using traditional Tantric and Ayurvedic practices

• Details the 9 Rasas that represent our basic emotions

• Offers emotional fasting exercises and daily routines for emotional well-being

• Shows how Rasa Sadhana can be integrated with other yoga practices

• Based on the teachings of Harish Johari

Rasas are the essence of our emotions that exist in both the body and the mind. The Tantric tradition recognizes 9 Rasas that represent our basic emotions: love, humor, wonder, courage, calmness, anger, sadness, fear, and disgust. Those who practice Rasa Sadhana learn to overcome negative emotions in order to pursue better health, enhanced spiritual growth, and enduring happiness.

Our emotions are continuously affected by the interplay of our senses, the elements, food, and the life force in our body. In The Yoga of the Nine Emotions, Peter Marchand offers many practical physiological and philosophical tools from Tantric and Ayurvedic traditions that can help readers change their emotional patterns. He explains the nature and purpose of each Rasa and how we can strengthen or weaken one Rasa through another. He also offers Ayurvedic cooking guidelines and daily routines for balancing sensory input and strengthening emotional health, including fasting from negative emotions as well as how to energize positive ones. As we master our emotions through the practice of Rasa Sadhana, we gain true control of our lives and our relationships with others.

About the author(s)

Peter Marchand is one of the founders of Sanatan Society, a networking organization of the family and students of Harish Johari (1934-1999), a tantric scholar, poet, and artist who authored 12 books, including Chakras and Tools for Tantra. Marchand became a student of Johari in 1983 and teaches Rasa Sadhana and Jnana Yoga in Europe, India, the United States, and Canada. The author of The Yoga of Truth and The Yoga of the Nine Emotions, he lives in Belgium.


"This guide to mastering your emotions through traditional yogic, Tantric, and Ayurvedic practices is definitely the most fascinating book that I've read in a long while. . . . provides both the information and inspiration to utilize our emotions to promote better health, spiritual growth, and enduring happiness."

"The book is honest, straight-forward, and designed to help the reader. For those interested in the practice of Rasa Sadhana, this is the book for them. Peter Marchand is to be congratulated on a fine, clearly written book, one that will be of immense help to many people."

"I seriously recommend this book, for the explanation of the nine rasas alone; although the rest of the book is fantastic as well! I feel I've been introduced to my emotions . . ."

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