The Tresillian Sleep Book

Expert advice on how to help your baby to sleep - from Australia's most trusted parent support organisation


Gentle, expert advice for tired parents of babies and young children – from Australia's largest and most trusted parent-support group.

Tresillian helps thousands of Aussie parents with their babies' sleep issues every year. Their gentle settling methods are informed by expert knowledge and deep experience.

This book covers sleep and settling from birth to the preschool years, sharing simple ways to help your baby or young child establish sleep cycles as they grow, while offering guidance and solutions for the sleep problems that parents of newborns to 5-year-olds struggle with. It includes:

  • Establishing day and night routines and the role of circadian rhythms
  • How to create the best sleep environment for your baby
  • Why babies cry and strategies to cope
  • How babies 'talk' to you
  • The development stages and sleep - from newborns to preschoolers
  • Helping your baby learn to settle and resettle themselves
  • Twins and sibling issues
  • Routines for children in childcare
  • Getting back on track after disruptions, from illness, night terrors and early wakers to disrupted routines and travelling

With plenty of stories from parents who share what worked for them, this comprehensive guide will help babies and young children - and their parents - get those much-needed zzz.

About the author(s)

Tresillian is Australia's oldest parenting support group, with centres in most states and NZ, and an expansion into regional areas. Its team of nurse-specialists offers families guidance in the early years of their child's life, with practical advice on subjects such as sleep, feeding, toddler behaviour and parents' emotional wellbeing.

Expert writer Fran Chavasse is a registered general nurse, registered midwife and a child and family health nurse. She is also a senior nurse educator for Tresillian, with training in mental health.

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