
Delve deep into the eternal truths behind “teacher of teachers” Emma Curtis Hopkins’ ideas in this guide to harnessing your inner power to gain a greater understanding of the spiritual world around you.

Learn 12 Simple Steps to a Better Life

Committed to educating and helping others, Emma Curtis Hopkins presented her teachings in simple digestible lessons: six lessons focusing on personal and internal development, and six directed at the world around us. Together these twelve lessons offer a clear guide for living a healthy, prosperous life.

Alongside the original texts, Dr. Ruth L. Miller offers a modern interpretation of Hopkins’s timeless wisdom through a twenty-first-century lens. Hopkins’s logical process provides a bridge between the scientific method and the intuitive experience she calls “high mysticism” to forge a clear path to fulfillment.

Rediscover the program that ignited the New Thought movement and begin to transform your own life.

About the author(s)

Emma Curtis Hopkins (1849-1925) is called the “teacher of teachers” of New Thought. She studied with Mary Baker Eddy to learn the mental healing method developed by Phineas P. Quimby and then opened a seminary in Chicago, where thousands of students learned the method and the metaphysics supporting it to heal themselves and others. Her two best known books are Scientific Christian Mental Practice and High Mysticism.

Ruth L. Miller was ordained in the New Thought tradition and became the pastor of the Lifeways Center in Portland, Oregon, then interim assistant at Unity of Beaverton. She is currently serving New Thought and Unitarian-Universalist churches in Oregon, Washington, and California. She earned a doctorate in systems science from Portland State University integrating intuition and analysis in impact assessment and decision-making. Her MS in cybernetic systems from San Jose State University was earned with a thesis integrating intuitive methods in systems planning. Her certificate in environmental studies is from Long Beach State University and a BA in anthropology with a minor in American Literature was earned at the University of New Mexico. For more information, please visit


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