The Science of Why We Exist

A History of the Universe from the Big Bang to Consciousness


From the Big Bang and the evolution of the genetic code to the birth of consciousness, this is the extraordinary story of the chain of events that led to human life on earth.

Have you ever wondered why you exist? What had to happen for you to be alive and conscious? Scientists have come a long way in answering this question, and this book describes what they have found out. It also examines whether our existence was inevitable at the universe’s birth 13.77 billion years ago—or whether we are just incredibly lucky.

The book is aimed at readers who are interested in science but are not experts. Written in an entertaining and accessible style, the narrative begins by describing how scientists discover facts before taking the reader on a journey from the Big Bang to the creation of the human genome.

Covering physics, astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, the emergence of life, evolution, consciousness, the rise of humanity, and how our personalities are moulded by genes, chance, and the environment, the journey explains how the universe started as point of intense energy that over time, in our corner of the universe, resulted in our wonderful planet—and in you.

About the author(s)

Tim Coulson is a professor of zoology at the University of Oxford. He has worked as an academic teaching biology for three decades and has published over two hundred peer-reviewed articles. Tim chose to study biology because he was drawn to its inherent complexity, as his desire was to become a specialist in complex systems. His teaching and research has been rewarded with international awards from the Royal Society, the British Ecological Society, the Swedish Oikos society, the Zoological Society of London, Imperial College London, and the University of Oxford. Tim regularly gives interviews on the BBC, Sky, and Channel 4 as a talking head. Tim lives in Oxford, England.


"Engaging. Connecting topics ranging from the Big Bang to the birth of consciousness to what shapes our personalities, Coulson presents two stories in parallel: the story of the universe from its birth to the present and the story of what had to happen for the author and reader to exist. Coulson's enthusiasm and expertise are apparent throughout this fascinating and informative text."


"I learned a lot from this fantastic book on the history of the universe, as will anyone who reads it. In writing this easy to read and highly enjoyable book, evolutionary biologist Tim Coulson places himself amongst the very best science communicators."

Nils Chr. Stenseth, professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Oslo, former president of the Norwegian Academy of Science, and member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

"Tim Coulson’s book is a ripping yarn about the history of our improbable existence. It is fundamentally factual, with every inference evaluated in the context of the scientific method, highlighting the continuity of the thread across vast time scales that span physical, chemical, and biological events that led to who we are today. It is smart, informative, yet approachable and brimming with personal anecdotes and humor."

Rosie Gillespie, Professor of environmental science, policy, and management, University California, Berkeley

“This is The Outline of History that H. G. Wells would have written if he’d lived now rather than then. Most scientists know only their own field. Tim Coulson is at home with science as an integrated whole. A pleasure to read, and a lasting accomplishment to have written.”

Richard Dawkins, author of The Genetic Book of the Dead

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