The Pledge to America

One Man's Journey from Political Prisoner to U.S. Navy SEAL


As heard on The Dan Bogino Show and the Jocko Podcast

“One of the most powerful books I’ve read in a long time.” —Dan Bongino

Retired Navy SEAL Drago Dzieran takes readers behind the scenes of his incredible life, from an impoverished childhood in Communist-controlled Poland to his time as a political prisoner, to his twenty years as a member of the United States military’s most elite fighting force.

Everything I have, I owe to America—the greatest country in the world.

I have been fighting oppression and defending freedom my entire life. When I became a United States citizen, I felt it was my moral obligation to give back to this country and the people who had given me freedom. I wanted to serve my new country in the best capacity I could, so when the first Persian Gulf War broke out, I decided to join the military. During my Navy career, I performed over one hundred combat direct action missions in Iraq from 2003 to 2005.

My chance to live as a free man is only possible because of the ideals the founding fathers fought for and that have been carried forward to this day by Americans.

Every person has a voice, and every voice matters. I will continue to encourage others to get involved, stand up, and preserve and cherish the freedom and liberty we have in America.

About the author(s)

Drago Dzieran was born in Poland while under Communist rule and, after spending time in a Communist prison for his activism against the socialist oppression, immigrated to the United States in 1984. He became a US citizen in 1991 and enlisted in the Navy that same year.

During his Navy career, he was a member of SEAL Team 2, SEAL Team 4, and a BUD/S instructor at Naval Special Warfare Center in Coronado, California. He performed over one hundred combat direct action missions as an NSW Lead Breacher while deployed to Iraq in 2003, 2004, and 2005, where he developed new breaching methods and a specialized breaching charge that minimized fragmentation and reduced potential injuries to non-combatants on target. This breaching charge allowed SEAL assault elements a smaller stand-off distance from the explosive breach and became widely used by SEALs throughout Iraq, saving many non-combatants’ lives. Dzieran was awarded the Bronze Star Medal with “V” Device for Valor, the Navy Commendation Medal with “V” Device for Valor, and the Army Commendation Medal, along with other awards and decorations.

Following his honorable retirement after twenty years in the Navy, Dzieran began a successful career as a software engineer. He founded the Navy SEALs Fund (, a 501c3 nonprofit with the mission of providing support for all generations of current, retired, and former UDT/SEAL teammates and their immediate dependents as well as Gold Star Families. He also founded ConnectZing (, a freedom-of-speech platform that gives a voice to all Americans without the worry of censorship or socialist fact checkers.

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