
Chloe Gamble knows three things: she's better than the tiny Texas town she grew up in; there's just one person she can trust; and she wants to be famous.

And what Chloe wants...Chloe gets.

About the author(s)

Ed Decter is a producer, director, and writer. Along with his writing partner John J. Strauss, Ed wrote There's Something about Mary, The Lizzie McGuire Movie, The Santa Clause 2 and The Santa Clause 3 as well as many other screenplays. During his years in show business Ed has auditioned, hired, and fired thousands of actors and actresses just like Chloe Gamble. Ed lives in Los Angeles with his family.

Laura J. Burns has written more than thirty books for teens and kids, and hopes to write at least thirty more. She lives in California with her husband and kids.


"The details of Chloe’s rise in Hollywood are an enjoyable blend of believably realistic and fancifully easy. Chloe herself is...delicious...she’s a single-minded Machiavel, but her narration also reveals that she’s funny and imperfect.... a determined and charismatic adventuress."
--Bulletin for the Center of Children's Books

"I found my favorite book ever! I loved this book, from the bottom of my heart--I loved it! It's as simple as that. I loved the story, the writing the characters--all of it! I am going to go totally unprofessional and end this review right here because all I need to tell you is that it's an amazing book and all of you will love it. There's something for everyone in it and you all will enjoy it..."
--Vita Dei (

"This young adult novel alternates between charm and humor–and the gritty reality of show business and life in the big city. Decter's characters are so realistically drawn you can almost feel the blood pulsing in their veins, and you find yourself trying to anticipate the reactions of Chloe, her brother Travis, and her mom, Earlene, to the curves Hollywood tosses them."
--The Mystery Bookstore

"It was refreshing to read about someone who wouldn’t let anything stand in her way, while she still maintained some morals.... I also liked how she and Travis actually had a nice relationship.... I also liked the rotating points of view.... Nika Mays’s narration was useful because it...explained things about Hollywood.... There was tons of delightful drama and scandal... I’ll definitely be reading the the book ended with a GIANT CLIFFHANGER OF DOOM."
--Frenetic Reader (

"I loved that both Nika and Chloe told the story. Chloe brought the fierce, power-hungry side, while Nika showed up the reality of the situation. It really made the story come together in a way that I could understand. Coming from Ohio, I don't really think I could have understood everything about the industry if Nika hadn't explained it to me. Chloe realllly inspired me. She never stopped. And I mean NEVER. For god's sake she was a whirlwind! And pushy too. I would hate to be the executive between her and her dream. I can only hope that when I want something that badly, I will go after it with as much willpower as Chloe did. I only recommend this to readers who want a taste of that fast-paced Hollywood world. This is definitely NOT a fluff chick-lit book. Noo siree." And you can be sure I will totally be reading the sequel. Without a doubt."
--That One Girl Emily (

"I loved how the different perspectives made up this book.... I loved the characters especially Chloe and Travis because they're just so amazing.... Overall, I highly enjoyed The One and I can't wait until the next one because the cliff-hanger...IS ENORMOUS!"
--Juiciliciousss Reviews (