
Explores the latest scientific research on the healing powers of honey

• Explains the physiological reasons why honey is so effective and includes recipes for honey-based remedies for many different ailments

• Discusses the sacred role of bees from ancient Egypt to modern times and the problem of Colony Collapse Disorder (with methods for protecting hives)

• Reveals the healing power of honey for many common problems--from burns, ulcers, and conjunctivitis to tooth decay, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis--and honey’s ability to kill superbugs like E. coli

The use of honey as a healing agent is nothing new. It was an ingredient in medicinal compounds and cures made by Egyptian physicians 5,000 years ago, and its medical use has been found in other ancient practices from traditional Chinese medicine and Indian Ayurveda to Mayan shamanism. In the past ten years there has been an explosion in scientific research on honey as medicine at universities, research centers, and medical clinics around the world.

Presenting the very latest scientific and medical evidence of the healing properties of honey--including that from the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand--Nathaniel Altman explores the broad spectrum of medicinal uses of honey and how these remedies can be used safely at home as well as by licensed health practitioners. He includes an extensive selection of honey-based recipes that can be used to treat common health problems--from burns, conjuctivitis, and ulcers to tooth decay, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis. He explains the physiological reasons why honey is so effective in treating antibiotic-resistant diseases with no side effects and honey’s ability to kill “superbugs” like E. coli and MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus). Drawing on centuries of material from historical and folk medicine sources, he also examines the sacred role of bees from ancient Egypt onward and the modern problem of Colony Collapse Disorder, including methods for protecting our precious hives.

About the author(s)

Nathaniel Altman traveled to Germany and Cuba and interviewed scientists from Russia, France, Italy, and the United States to obtain documented scientific evidence and clinical findings on the role of oxygen therapies as detoxifying agents and immunoregulators. He has authored more than 15 books, including The Honey Prescription, A Russian Herbal, What You Can Do About Asthma, Healing Springs, and The Twelve Stages of Healing. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.


“For millennia the honeybee has kept humans healthy by pollinating so many of our fruits and vegetables and by providing two of nature’s most sacred healing substances: honey and propolis. After decades of ignorance, doctors are rediscovering the power of these miracle medicines, and Nathaniel Altman is here to spread the good news. The Honey Prescription will amaze you, delight you, and, most important, give you a fantastic new ally to promote natural wellness.”

"The increasing interest in wellness should make this a good seller. You might include it in displays about the environment to let customers know it also contains information about the causes and effects of the diminishing honeybee population."

"Honey has been used for medicine for eons, but it's only in the last 100 years that its antibacterial abilities have come to light--properties explored in Nathan Altman's new book, The Honey Prescription. . . . some varieties may also help treat gingivitis, yeast infections, and burns."

"Based on scientific research Nathaniel Altman provides a concise and educational compilation of useful information on using honey for achieving and maintaining optimum health. As well, The Honey Prescription includes recipes for remedies for internal and external healing. . . . I encourage you to take responsibility for your own health and maintain it the natural way - the honey way."

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