
Reveals sacred spiritual tools to connect with the love, passion, and creative powers of the Great Mother for spiritual transformation

• Explores the three faces of the Great Mother’s love and wisdom in our lives and how to build our magician’s wand, which enables us to be masters of our creativity

• Details the journey of the soul through the twelve signs of the zodiac to integrate the shadow self and embody the soul’s true light

• Explains how we are being called to birth a new world, one that embraces the divine feminine qualities of intuition, emotional creative power, and rhythmic renewal

The year 2012 marked the birth of a new cycle of time that will last for the next 26,000 years. In charge of such birth is the Great Mother, the eternal source of all creation. She is calling on the feminine within us all to create a world worthy of the next seven generations and begin an era of peace, abundance, and spiritual evolution. To birth this new world, we must release our hold on old destructive patterns and instead embrace the divine feminine qualities of intuition, powerful creativity, and rhythmic renewal.

As Christine Page reveals, the Great Mother hears our heart’s yearning to escape our old ways of suffering and struggle to find peace, fulfillment, and joy. She is reaching out to us across the dimensions, offering spiritual initiation and the chance to know ourselves fully right now. Dr. Page explains how important it is to acknowledge and integrate our shadow selves--the unloved parts of us--so we can radiate our light from the fullness of who we are without shame or judgment. Drawing on alchemy and mythology, the author details the journey of the soul through the twelve signs of the zodiac until our inner light shines. She also explores how to connect with and use sacred spiritual tools to open our hearts and merge with the Great Mother’s love and creative powers.

Exploring the mythology of the Triple Goddess, the author explains how the three faces of the Great Mother help us on our spiritual journey of transformation: As virgin she inspires us to manifest our dreams. As mother, she teaches us to celebrate and nurture all living things, especially ourselves. As crone, she shows us that creativity changes like the seasons, encouraging us not to be possessed by our creations but to embrace mystery and impermanence. Finally, the Great Mother emboldens us to build our magician’s wand, the rod of light along the spine which enables us to be masters of our creativity, bringing forth transformation for ourselves and generations of children still to come as we embark into a new era of expanded consciousness and love.

About the author(s)

Christine R. Page, M.D., began her medical practice in London in 1978 and combined it with homeopathy in 1989. She is an international seminar leader on subtle energy and energy medicine, having created a three-level training program to enhance the power of intuition for health care professionals. She is the author of Frontiers of Health: How to Heal the Whole Person and Spiritual Alchemy. She lives in California.


“A masterpiece of ancient wisdom and truth that is so compelling that you cannot put this book down. Rarely does a book come along that reads as if it is a text directly from an ancient mystery school, but The Heart of the Great Mother should be given that status. It truly is a must-read.”

The Heart of the Great Mother engages us in the most exciting possibilities to embrace all aspects of the feminine! Christine Page presents positive challenges to conventional doubts about the future.”

“Christine Page is a remarkable wisdom keeper, and her book is a masterful and enlightening synthesis of ageless wisdom that speaks to our troubled times.”

"These two books both contain an incredibly powerful message for our time. The message of the Fierce Feminine, the Dark Mother, a collective upwelling of universal outrage and sacred rage at the way we are treating the planet and each other. You will probably have seen the various videos featuring a message from the virus telling us to consider the essentials and expressing the Earth’s relief at a slowing down of our frenetic activity. Christine expresses this [in The Heart of the Great Mother] as the Dark Goddess calling 'time' for all of us now: ‘she is not interested in our bargaining tactics, excuses, or entreaties, especially those linked to our small ego’s desire not to upset the status quo. It is time to move on…whether we are ready to or not.’"

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