
The Great Wing transforms the timeless miracle of the migration of a flock of geese into a parable for the modern age. It recounts a young goose’s own reluctant but steady transformation from gangly fledgling to Grand Goose and his triumph over the turmoils of his soul and the buffeting of a mighty Atlantic storm.

In The Great Wing, our potential as individuals is affirmed, as is the power of group prayer, or the “Flock Mind.” As we make the journey with this goose and his flock, we rediscover that we tie our own potential into the power of the common good by way of attributes such as honesty, hope, courage, perseverance, spirituality, and service. The young goose’s trial and tribulations, as well as his triumph, are our own.

About the author(s)

In all his endeavors, Dr. Louis A. Tartaglia has devoted himself to helping others achieve their full potential. He has operated a successful medical and psychiatric practice, worked in Calcutta with Mother Teresa, and now devotes his time to family, creative writing, and inspirational speaking. Dr. Tartaglia is the author of several books, including Flawless. He lives in Sylvania, Ohio, with his family.


"This is one of the most touching and yet powerful parables I have ever read."
—Og Mandino

"A magnificent transformational journey. Step aboard for a life-changing flight. I loved it."
—Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

"Take a flight into spiritual transformation as you experience how possibility thinking works its wonders on this flock."
—Dr. Robert H. Schuller

"The Great Wing gives you a perfect metaphor for organization all the way from training new members to achieving hyperflight."
—Dr. Frank Cantwell, professor of management, West Texas University

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