The Five Archetypes

Discover Your True Nature and Transform Your Life and Relationships


Discover the personality archetypes within you and improve your life and relationships with a new self-guided system of personal transformation.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) philosophy, the elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water are the foundation of how nature grows and evolves. They are believed to help us understand everything from illness and healing to the fundamental processes of child development—and they continue to inform Chinese medicine practice today. But as Ayurvedic nutritionist, reiki master, and Tournesol founder Carey Davidson demonstrates in this book, each of the five elements can also be seen as a personality archetype—and inside all of us is a unique blend of these archetypes that serves as a window into living a more fulfilling life on every level.

In The Five Archetypes, Davidson explains that by knowing the personality traits associated with each type and using what she calls the Five Archetypes method, you can actually start to predict your behavioral patterns—not only with yourself but also with your friends, your romantic partner, your children, and even your colleagues. By practicing this method, you will also:

-Learn how to exercise more control over behaviors that thwart your potential
-Hone your self-awareness and self-regulation skills in the face of day-to-day stress
-And understand what really makes people tick, so that you spend less time in stagnant relationships and more time in gratifying ones

Through her study of the elements and the observations she’s made in her work with individuals, couples, companies, parents, kids, and educators, Davidson has created a simplified and practical guide to harnessing the strengths of our five archetypes. Complete with an assessment designed to help you discover your primary, secondary, and lowest types, The Five Archetypes will not only teach you more about yourself and others but also transform your relationships and set you on the path to personal and interpersonal harmony.

About the author(s)

Carey Davidson is the founder and leader of Tournesol, a holistic health think tank collaborative in New York City with programs that combine groundbreaking science and proven wisdom to empower people and organizations with strategies that build resilience and wellbeing through self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and mastery of individual gifts. Davidson is also the Executive Director of Tournesol Kids and served as Director of Administration for the Nalanda Institute of Contemplative Science. Prior to joining Nalanda, Davidson led Human Resources for Columbia College of Columbia University and was Executive Director of CARING at Columbia, a component of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, which provides culturally sensitive prevention and intervention programs using art and music for at-risk children in New York City.


"Completely [changed] the way I consider people who stress me out or rub me the wrong way or just see the world differently than I do.... [The Five Archetypes] is fascinating—and Davidson is brilliant.... Read the book, mull it over, and prepare to have your mind blown."
Megan O'Neill, Goop

"If you knew there were specific ways that are most effective for you to destress or to negotiate with a colleague, would you want to know them? Most of us would jump at the chance and then want to learn the same for our partners, colleagues, and children.... Carey Davidson...has made these exact insights accessible by translating ancient wisdom into modern insights in her book, The Five Archetypes."
—Nell Derick Debevoise, Forbes

"The Five Archetypes gives us a peek into the rich, variegated territory of who we are. Understanding our nature reveals strengths and weaknesses—what we're good at and what we need to learn. Mastering how to live with ourselves and harness our power is our life's work, isn't it?"
—Harriet Beinfield, LAc, coauthor of Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine

"A must-read for anyone who wants to deepen their self-awareness and cultivate strong, meaningful relationships. Carey Davidson provides valuable insight through a compassionate, loving lens and teaches us how to live an empowered life by fostering our unique strengths and attending to our needs."
—Bojana Jankovic Weatherly, MD MSc

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