
With almost 100,000 copies sold in earlier editions, this revised edition provides the most up-to-date information on natural alternatives to synthetic hormone replacement therapy

A must-read for any woman taking synthetic hormones for infertility, birthcontrol, PMS, or menopause

• Includes the latest research on using natural progesterone to combat osteoporosis, endometriosis, heart disease, PMS, fibroids, and breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer

More and more women are seeking alternatives to synthetic hormones and their harmful side effects. Despite increasing awareness of the dangers of synthetic hormones, over-prescription of estrogen is still rampant, as is confusion among doctors and patients whether the benefits of conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT) outweigh the risks.

This updated fourth edition offers the latest information on how botanical progesterone therapy, also known as natural HRT, can provide safe, natural relief for many of the problems women face from hormone deficiency, including PMS, fibromyalgia, depression, menstrual irregularity, miscarriages, uterine fibroids, and infertility. Botanical progesterone supplementation can be also extremely effective in relieving hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and even cancer. The authors sift through misinformation and contradictory studies, warning against corporate-sponsored research in a multi-billion dollar menopausal industry, and guide readers to natural alternatives. This fourth edition also includes new studies regarding the dangers of a diet rich in soy contributing to the onset of premature menopause, as well as thyroid disorders. The dangers of mammography and the importance of focusing on safer, more effective methods of cancer detection are also well documented.

About the author(s)

Raquel Martin’s experience of her own serious health problems taught her that the beneficial effect of chiropracti care could be reinforced by means of nutritional and hormonal rebalancing. She has since dedicated herself to spreading information about the need for safe natural alternative therapies, co-authoring The Estrogen Alternative and Preventing and Reversing Arthritis Naturally. She lives in Georgia.

Judi Gerstung, D.C., is a chiropractor and radiologist with a special interest in the detection and prevention of osteoporosis.


"If you are a woman and do not read this book, you are very possibly denying yourself the most important information of your physical life. . . . A powerfully persuasive, well-written, and extensively documented case. . . . A must-read if you value your health."

"Any woman who is considering synthetic hormone therapy or who wishes to get off of it owes herself the reading of this densely informative book. The simplicity and safety of the solution is almost shocking. One might ask why every suffering woman is not using botanical progesterone."

"Books like The Estrogen Alternative are important: people have to become so knowledgeable that they don't let the health establishment get away with its systematic deceptions."

"I was thrilled to read The Estrogen Alternative. . . . The writing style incorporates the research into a narrative that is easy for the layperson to read. The book is thorough, well-referenced, and prepares the reader to make educated choices about her homonal health."

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