
Hailey Kendrick has always done exactly what's expected of her. She has the right friends, dates the right boy, gets good grades, and follows the rules. But one night, Hailey risks everything by breaking a very big rule in a very public way...and with a very unexpected partner in crime. Hailey gets caught, but her accomplice does not, and Hailey takes the fall for both of them. In the process, she loses everything--her best friend, her boyfriend, her popularity, her reputation. But some secrets are worth keeping, no matter the cost...or are they?

About the author(s)

Eileen Cook spent most of her teen years wishing she were someone else or somewhere else, which is great training for a writer. She is the author of The Almost TruthUnraveling IsobelThe Education of Hailey KendrickGetting Revenge on Lauren Wood, and What Would Emma Do? as well as the Fourth Grade Fairy series. She lives in Vancouver with her husband and dogs. Visit her at

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