
Lawrence Krauss explores the greatest unanswered questions at the forefront of science today, and likely for the coming century and beyond.

Internationally known theoretical physicist and bestselling author Lawrence Krauss explores science’s greatest unanswered questions.

Three of the most important words in science are “I don't know.” Not knowing implies a Universe of opportunities—the possibility of discovery and surprise. Our understanding of science has advanced immeasurably over the last five hundred years, yet many fundamental mysteries of existence persist: How did our Universe begin? How big is the Universe? Is time travel possible? What’s at the center of a black hole? How did life on Earth arise? Are we alone? What is consciousness, and can we create it?

These mysteries define the scientific forefront—the threshold of the unknown. To explore that threshold is to gain a deeper understanding of just how far science has progressed. Covering time, space, matter, life, and consciousness, Krauss introduces readers to topics that will shape the state of science for the next century, providing us all passport to our own journeys of exploration and discovery.

About the author(s)

Lawrence M. Krauss is an internationally known theoretical physicist and the author of twelve popular books including NYT bestsellers The Physics of Star Trek and A Universe from Nothing. He has also written for major magazines and newspapers, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, and the New Yorker. He received his PhD from MIT and then moved to the Harvard Society of Fellows. Following eight years as a professor at Yale University, he was appointed to an endowed chair while still in his thirties. He has made significant contributions to our understanding of the origin and the evolution of the Universe and has received numerous national and international awards for his research and writing. He has appeared regularly on radio, television, and films (both documentary and feature films, and is currently president of The ORIGINS Project Foundation and host of The Origins Podcast with Lawrence Krauss. 


The Edge of Knowledge takes us on a stirring tour of the cosmic frontier, where our knowledge is incomplete, our understanding is fragmentary, and our insights are flawed. But that’s precisely the terrain that science navigates daily when decoding the operations of nature. And for that, there’s no better tour guide than Lawrence Krauss.”

Neil deGrasse Tyson, Author, Starry Messenger: Cosmic Perspectives on Civilization

“What an achievement: science, the beauty of science, the adventure of science so well expressed. Even a wretched innumerate like me can grasp the excitement of the key stories in discovery that Lawrence Krauss tells with such spellbinding clarity and generous authority. Throughout it all runs a vivid and deeply important reminder of science’s respect for mistakes: doubt, the unknown and contingent truths that are always up for being questioned, reassessed, and refined. A book that reawakens wonder.”

Stephen Fry, Actor, author, broadcaster and campaigner, and author most recently of Fry’s Ties

“With the ease of a master, Lawrence Krauss takes us on a sightseeing tour to the biggest unknowns in the universe. A breathtaking trip to the frontiers of knowledge and beyond.”

Sabine Hossenfelder, Physicist and author of Existential Physics: A Scientist’s Guide to Life’s Biggest Questions

“A fascinating exploration, with an expert and thoughtful guide, through the domains of what is reasonably well understood, what we can at least think about seriously, and those tantalizing areas that always seem to lurk beyond our grasp.”

Noam Chomsky, Institute Prof emeritus MIT, Laureate Prof U of Arizona, most recent book: The Withdrawal with Vijay Prashad

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