The Complete Sun Tzu for Business Success

Use the Classic Rules of The Art of War to Win the Battle for Customers and Conquer the Competition


Business today is war. As you and your company fight your way back from the recession, you need to take the high ground and make a stand. You need to know how to recapture customers, boost your profit margins, rally your workforce, and identify the competition's weakness to gain an advantage.

More than twenty-five centuries ago, the brilliant Chinese military theorist Sun Tzu explained how to accomplish these things. True, he was talking about warfare. But as you'll see in this comprehensive survey, his strategies apply equally well to today's business scene.

With the help of Gerald and Steven Michaelson, two of the greatest experts in applying Sun Tzu to today's business climate, you'll learn how to use ancient wisdom to manage your workforce, execute your policies, and find success in both business and your personal life.

Use this book to map a battle plan for victory!

About the author(s)

Gerald A. Michaelson lectured on Sun Tzu in China at the invitation of the Chinese government. He traveled extensively throughout Asia as a management coach and delivered workshops on five continents.

Success and Sun Tzu for Execution. He is president of FreshDirect, the fast-growing New York–area online retailer. Steven’s thirty-year career includes marketing, merchandising, sales, and other leadership roles. Previously, he was a senior vice president at Wegman's Food Markets, perennially named one of the best companies to work for in America.

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