
The fourth installment of the popular Lemonade War series! Siblings Jessie and Evan Treski have waged a lemonade war, sought justice in a class trial, and even unmasked a bell thief. Now they are at opposite ends over the right to keep secrets...

Evan believes some things (such as his poetry) are private. Jessie believes scandal makes good news.

When anonymously sent candy hearts appear in Class 4-0, self-appointed ace reporter Jessie determines to get the scoop on class crushes.

Like a modern-day Beverly Cleary, Jacqueline Davies writes with heart, humor, and honesty about family and school life for middle schoolers.

The six books in this fun-to-read series are:

  • The Lemonade War
  • The Lemonade Crime
  • The Bell Bandit
  • The Candy Smash
  • The Magic Trap
  • The Bridge Battle

About the author(s)

Jacqueline Davies is the bestselling author of the Lemonade War series, which has inspired young readers across the world to raise money for charitable causes. She is also the award-winning author of the Sydney and Taylor series, illustrated by Deborah Hocking, and Bubbles . . . UP!, illustrated by Sonia Sánchez, which was selected as an ALA Booklist Editors’ Choice and was distinguished as a book of outstanding merit on Bank Street College’s Best Books of the Year list. Visit her online at


"Another rewarding chapter book from the Lemonade War series." — Booklist

"A terrific tie-in to Valentine's Day, but a good anytime school story for boys and girls alike." —Read Kiddo Read

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