
In the magical sequel to The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers by Lynn Weingarten, Lucy must break the sisterhood's curse before she loses her chance at true love.

Since she joined the Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers, Lucy's life has been perfect. Girls want to be her. Boys want to date her. She has access to magic. And her broken heart has completely healed. Her only regret is that her best friend, Tristan, is still hurting from her rejection.

As she searches for a way to heal Tristan's heart, she discovers the truth behind her initiation into the sisterhood—and that her sisters have unimaginable secrets they've been keeping from her. Trapped in a group she no longer trusts, Lucy realizes it just might be better to risk a broken heart than to never fall in love again.

About the author(s)

Lynn Weingarten is the author of Wherever Nina Lies as well as The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers and its sequel, The Book of Love. She lives in New York City.


“Romance and magic lovers will be captivated by this book, which has a deceptively lightweight premise but delivers a much deeper message about the power of love.” — School Library Journal

Praise for THE SECRET SISTERHOOD OF HEARTBREAKERS: “A truly original tale with plenty of tantalizing twists and turns to keep you under its spell.” — Kate Brian, author of the New York Times bestselling series PRIVATE.

“In sentient and original metaphors, Weingarten evokes the poignancy of unrequited love…Lucy’s journey celebrates the complexities of friendship and family and teaches her to appreciate the ordinary…and Weingarten raises questions teens will enjoy considering. ” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review)

“Mixed in with the magical element, there is a lot of quite sound advice about how and why attraction works, making this a useful self–help guide for the flirt–challenged in the woefully unmagical world of teen dating.” — Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

“Weingarten’s (WHEREVER NINA LIES) second novel is tense yet comforting…the author’s meditations on love, heartache, choice, and power will hit home with teens.” — Publishers Weekly

“This easy–to–read sequel to The Secret Sisterhood of Heartbreakers (2012) ratchets up both the magical elements and, thankfully, Lucy and brand–new sister Olivia’s “buyer’s remorse,” offering readers fluffy…fun.” — Booklist

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