
"An original and beautiful book. It suggests that the surestway to liberate ourselves is through the power of our ideas."
-Nelson Mandela Foundation

"This is not just one of those books that makes you think.It challenges you to think. It demands that you think, andto beware of all those obstacles that would stop you from
trusting your instincts and finding an idea."
-Lee Clow, Global Director of Media Arts,TBWA\Chiat Day

As an award-winning playwright, author, and WorldwideCreative Director of TBWA, John Hunt has witnessed againand again the power of original thinking to transform bothcompanies and individuals. In The Art of the Idea, Huntaddresses everyone from the global boardroom to the manon the street, bridging the gap with ease. Few can argue withHunt's claim that it is ideas that move the world forward,and he refreshingly articulates that anyone can play: there
is no hierarchy to original thinking.

The Art of the Idea provides a toolbox for achieving excellenceand offers a new way of defining your world. By illustratinghow to create space so ideas can breathe, it provides
a lifeline to those who find themselves stuck in a rut.Unassuming, original, and accessible, the publicationincludes insights by this leader in creative thinking, andis accompanied by 20 original paintings and collages bythe internationally acclaimed South African artist Sam
Nhlengethwa. The Art of the Idea grants permission to trustour instincts, endure initial ridicule, and practice thinkingas a team sport.

Whatever your idea is about ideas, this book will change it.

About the author(s)

John Hunt is an award-winning author and playwright, aswell as the Worldwide Creative Director of TBWA. In 1993Hunt was intimately involved in Nelson Mandela's electioncampaign. In April of 2003, Hunt moved to TBWA's New Yorkheadquarters, where he helped reshape the focus of the networkto celebrate original thinking and groundbreaking ideas.In 2008, both Adweek and Ad Age named TBWA, Agency ofthe Year. Hunt has since returned to South Africa, where hecontinues his Worldwide role. Sam Nhlengethwa is a collagist, painter, and jazz fanatic.After being named South Africa's Young Artist of the year in1994, Nhlengethwa quickly gathered global recognition. Hiswork has been shown at the National Museum of AfricanArt, D.C.; Whitechapel Gallery, London; and was reproducedin The 20th Century Art Book (Phaidon Press, 1996). Fromhumble beginnings, Nhlengethwa's talent, although forgedduring the apartheid years, has always reflected a calm celebration of the human spirit.

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