
Anyone who has ever participated in a demonstration, gone to a rally, or even written a term paper on a subject remotely “un-American,” you may have been watched. Whether they’ve helped organize a union or engaged in anti-labor activities, there is a chance that your phone may be tapped or your mail opened. There may be a file about you at the FBI.

Currently, a very delicate balance exists between surveillance in the name of national security and spying. An upset in this balance can result in a threat to civil liberties. The growth of huge bureaucracies of superspies on the federal, state, and local levels has tipped this balance to jeopardize the right to privacy. The CIA, the FBI, virtually every government agency, and numerous corporations have stretched “spying in the public interest” to its limits. Foreign governments are toppled, assassinations are plotted. The consequences of political dissent are enormous.

About the author(s)

Brianna DuMont is author of the Changed History series, which makes history come alive by exposing its murky underbelly. The first book in the series, Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History, includes gems about “I-must-not-tell-a-lie” George Washington and schoolless Shakespeare. When she’s not writing quirky books, Brianna travels the world in search of great museums and historical sites. When she’s at home, she is a full-time writer and researcher who is quickly becoming best friends with her local librarian. She and her family live in Chicago, Illinois.

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