
In the spirit of come five sensual novellas about the excitementand dangerof meeting someone online.

Welcome to, where men can meet the women of their dreams. Making a selection is just a beginning—these ladies are more than mere images, and getting to know them is the really fun part. But just like most things, looks can be deceiving. And while the guys who take this plunge think they're in for the adventure of a lifetime, some of them are headed for the worst nightmare. Gathering five dramatically different voices between two covers, these stories travel the tantalizing crossroads between romance and cyberspace.

As today's world of dating expands beyond the traditional dinner-and-movie to the vast realm of internet, this collection offers a timely and exciting glimpse into the adventures of online relationships.

Novellas include: "You Are Making Me Wet" by Earl Sewell; "Life Happens" by Rique Johnson; "The Wanting" by Michael Presley; "Somewhere Between Love and Sarcasm" by V. Anthony Rivers; and "Legal Days, Lonely Nights" by William Fredrick Cooper.

About the author(s)

Earl Sewell attended Columbia College in Chicago where he studied screen and fiction writing. Earl’s YA novels in his Keysha and Friends series have made him a librarian and teen fan favorite. He currently resides in South Holland, Illinois.

William Fredrick Cooper is the author of Six Days in JanuaryThere’s Always a ReasonOne Season (In Pinstripes), and Unbreakable.

Michael Presley is the author of Blackfunk, Blackfunk II: No regrets/No Apologies and Tears on a Sunday Afternoon.

Rique Johnson is the author of Love and Justice, Whispers From a Troubled Heart, Every Woman's Man and A Dangerous Return.

V. Anthony Rivers is the author of Daughter by Spirit, Everybody Got Issues, and My Life Is All I Have. He is a contributor to Zane's Love Is Never Painless.