
Authentic qi gong as practiced in the Shaolin Temple where this discipline originated centuries ago

• Reveals the fundamental spiritual principles and includes both a short and long form of the daily exercises

• Explains the benefits of mastering energy in the body, such as organ strengthening

The great teacher Bodhidharma is credited with the creation of Shaolin Temple qi gong and kung fu in the 6th century CE. Motivated by the terrible physical condition of the monks who spent all their time meditating or copying scrolls, his two-part system promoted physical as well as spiritual fitness and became the basis for all the martial and meditative arts taught in the Shaolin Temple. These ancient practices increase physical health and vitality, enhance creativity, and can be practiced well into old age.

Author Shi Xinggui, a Shaolin monk, explains the fundamental principle of qi gong--the art of mastering energy (qi) and moving it through the body--and provides clear demonstrations of all the positions and movements. In order to develop qi attentively, it is necessary to cultivate the art of slowness in both movement and breathwork. Shi Xinggui provides both a short form and a long form of the daily exercises, with lessons on heart centering, organ strengthening, and balancing the energy using the three dantians--the three energy centers of the body.

About the author(s)

Shi Xinggui became a student at the Shaolin Monastery at the age of eight. His teachers there included Masters Shi De Shin, Shi Xu Xi, Shi De Su, and Shi De Duzan. In 1988 the author won the National Championship title for kung fu (70 kg class) in Shaolin and again in 1993 and 1994 in Zheng Zou. He received his Shaolin diploma in 1989 from Master Shi De Yuan. He now lives and teaches in Goldegg, Austria.


“The book alone will be enough for most beginners to learn the basic moves and begin practicing them right away. A marvelous bonus, however, is the DVD that accompanies the text. . . . The music, based on the pentatonic scale, is particularly soothing, adding to the sense that there is no rush, no right or wrong, and no need to fret about perfection while practicing qi gong. . . . I've tried other books and DVD courses, in the past, but none of them has given me the natural flow of qi gong. . .”

"The scenery and the music on the DVD are very serene and beautiful in a way that was supportive to the exercises and following along, without intruding upon them. Anyone looking for a book on the absolute basics of Qi Gong and how to perform different exercises would not go wrong with picking up this book and DVD. I heartily recommend them."

"This excellent guide teaches some of the basic forms of qigong, a traditional technique of Chinese energy movement that promotes energy and well-being. . . . A 45-minute DVD of selected exercises by Shi Xinggui is included, making this an effective tool for self-instruction."

"This seems to be just as much about inner peace as it is physical exercise. I have gained a new respect for the topic after watching the video. . . . If you are looking for a VERY low-impact exercise system that will, at the very least, improve your flexibility and peace of mind, pick this up and follow along."

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