
Rumble is an all-new animated feature film from Paramount Animation featuring the voices of Will Arnett and Terry Crews about monsters and professional monster wrestling, coming to theaters on February 18, 2022!

Don’t miss this delightful retelling of the movie story.

Imagine a world where monsters are real and monster wrestling is a popular sport! Can sixteen-year-old Winne Coyle coach an inexperienced, out-of-shape monster, and turn him into a champion? Rumble fans everywhere will love spending more time with their favorite monsters in this hilarious and feel-good novel which includes eight pages of full-color stills from the movie.

TM & © 2020 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved

About the author(s)

Michael Anthony Steele has written for family entertainment for nineteen years. He's the author of more than one hundred licensed children's books and has penned numerous screenplays for television and video.

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