
A rebel angel’s perspective on the Lucifer Rebellion 203,000 years ago and her insight into its past and future effects on consciousness

• Explores how the angelic revolt led to Earth’s celestial quarantine for more than 200,000 years

• Draws parallels between the Process Church and the Lucifer Rebellion

• Describes the rise and fall of Lemuria in connection with the rebel angels

• Reveals how the 100 million angels currently incarnated in human bodies can help with Earth’s return to the Multiverse and the coming transformation of consciousness

After 200 millennia of celestial quarantine in the wake of Lucifer’s angelic revolt, Earth and the rebel angels isolated here are being welcomed back into the benevolent and caring Multiverse. With this redemption comes a massive transformation of consciousness and a reconnection to our cosmic destiny. But why did the angels revolt and how has that event shaped our planet’s past and its future?

Writing through Timothy Wyllie, rebel angel Georgia shares insights from her half a million years stationed on Earth as a watcher and from her part in the angelic revolution. She reveals details of the Lucifer Rebellion, including the role played by Planetary Prince Caligastia and his team of angelic administrators--thought by some to be the Nephilim or Anunnaki of Sumerian myth--who followed Lucifer into the rebellion, ultimately leading to the quarantine of Earth and 36 other planets. Interweaving her story with events from Wyllie’s life, Georgia draws parallels between Wyllie’s involvement with the Process Church in the 1960s and the events of the angelic rebellion and celestial quarantine. She explores the rise and fall of the island civilization of Lemuria, or Mu, as well as Atlantis and the Maya.

Georgia reveals there are more than 100 million rebel angels currently granted mortal incarnation on Earth at all levels of society and in all countries--most of whom are still unaware of their angelic heritage. Now that we are free of Prince Caligastia’s behind-the-scenes manipulations, the stage is set for the rebel angels to begin redeeming their past and help Earth realize its significance in the wondrous destiny of the Multiverse.

About the author(s)

Timothy Wyllie (1940-2017) was born in Great Britain and raised in London. Having wended his way through an English public school education and then seven years further study at college, he qualified as an architect. In the late 70s, Timothy began a systematic exploration of out-of-body states. This led to experiments in telepathic communication with dolphins and an open invitation to contact with nonphysical beings that continues to this day. During this time, he was also running his own business in New York City, marketing a system he had co-devised for storing and filing color photographs. He retired from the business community in 1981 and turned full time to his creative endeavors. As a musician, Timothy made several tapes of what he called "Bozon Music"--a True Age improvisational jazz, shamanic music of the heart--as well as a series of guided visualization and meditation tapes. Also an artist, he worked on a virtually endless progression of drawings of sacred landscape. It was what brought him most joy. Timothy traveled frequently to give lectures and seminars or to investigate sites and locations for his drawings. He is the author of Ask Your Angels: A Practical Guide to Working with the Messengers of Heaven to Empower and Enrich Your Life, Dolphins, ETs & Angels, the Rebel Angels series of books featured below, and a co-author of Adventures Among Spiritual Intelligences: Angels, Aliens, Dolphins & Shamans.


“Included as well are the author’s own illustrations as well as some tantalizing tales on the rise and fall of lost civilizations, like Atlantis and the Maya. A massive transformation of consciousness as well as the shape of our planet’s ultimate destiny, will help us to reconnect with our planet as well as ourselves.”

“This book and series is recommended to everyone who is interested in where we have been and where we are going as a planet and as individuals. It will explain a little of what is out there. Once again I can hardly wait for the next volume.”

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