
A charming slacker aristocrat discovers a talent for detection and a web of conspiracies in the Emerald Empire, in this snappy novel set in the fantastical world of Legend of the Five Rings.

Daidoji Shin, unrepentant wastrel with a taste for scandal and dice, coasts through his role as Crane Clan’s trade envoy in the City of the Rich Frog. But when a case of poisoned rice threatens the brittle peace between the competing clans, the Imperial Governor drags Shin from his indolence and orders him to find the culprit. Despite himself, Shin uncovers an intriguing conspiracy involving more than just dead rats. A murder with no body and a missing actress present a distraction that could finally make Shin put in a full day’s work, and maybe even save the city from tearing itself apart.

About the author(s)

JOSH REYNOLDS is the author of over thirty novels and numerous short stories, including the wildly popular Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000. He grew up in South Carolina and now lives in Sheffield, UK.


“An effortless read and will do very nicely for anyone looking for high quality pulp fantasy action.”


Starburst magazine

“Classic pulp adventure story, fast paced and engrossing. He effortlessly captures the feel of the period in his prose.”

The British Fantasy Society

"I was delighted to see the author didn’t fall into easy tropes but instead peeked behind the curtain and considered how the world actually worked and not the surface illusion. This book Poison River was an absolute delight."

Imperial Advisor

"Come for the mystery, stay for the fantastic characters, snappy dialogue and sense of fun. As the first book in a series, it’s a very promising start indeed."

Track of Words