
In the tradition of his bestselling CURTIN and CHIFLEY, David Day's exhaustive biography of one of our most fascinating prime ministers.
Paul Keating was one of the most significant political figures of the late twentieth century, firstly as treasurer for eight years and then Prime Minister for five years. Although he has spent all of his adult life in the public eye, Keating has eschewed the idea of publishing his memoirs and has discouraged biographers from writing about his life. Undaunted, best-selling biographer David Day has taken on the task of giving Keating the biography that he deserves. Based on extensive research in libraries and archives, interviews with Keating's former colleagues and associates, and walking the tracks of Keating's life, Day has painted the first complete portrait of Paul Keating, covering both the public and private man.

About the author(s)

DAVID A. DAY has written more than twenty books to great acclaim, both here and overseas. Apart from six political biographies, including prize-winning biographies of John Curtin and Ben Chifley, he has written several books about the Second World War and others on Antarctica. His landmark history of Australia, Claiming a Continent, won the South Australian Festival Prize for Non-Fiction, while his book, Conquest: How societies overwhelm others, has been translated into several languages. A graduate of Melbourne and Cambridge universities, and a fellow of the Royal Historical Society and the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, he has been a research fellow at Clare College in Cambridge, a visiting fellow at Churchill College in Cambridge, a professor of history at University College Dublin, a visiting professor for two years at the University of Tokyo, and a visiting fellow at Aberdeen University in Scotland. He has served as the official historian of the Australian Customs Service and the Bureau of Meteorology and been an Australian Research Council senior research fellow at La Trobe University in Melbourne, where he is currently based.

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