
Partnering with Nature is a simple book with a powerful message: our connections to the natural environment— and ultimately, to ourselves—are crucial in today’s fragmented world. As each successive generation moves farther away from nature, the growing disconnect is expressed through physical as well as mental stress, from depression and fatigue in adults to attention disorders and obesity in children. The way we relate to nature helps define our place within it, and by awakening this natural, yet dormant connection to the environment around us, we can move beyond solitary stewardship and into partnership.

In Partnering with Nature, Catriona MacGregor weaves together scientific and historical wisdom, spiritual insights, and inspiring stories that illuminate the energies that link humans, animals, and the natural world. Through observation and conscious practice, we can open up to the power of nature to transform our lives, uplift our spirits, and even to direct our bodies to a healthier potential. For everyone who has a sense of something missing, who wishes to make a difference in their world, who yearns to reclaim their sense of wonder and awe, or who struggles with their health or emotional balance—nature speaks to all who will listen.

About the author(s)

For over a decade, Catriona MacGregor has supported individuals in realizing their dreams and organizations in achieving their visions as a coach and consultant. She is an authority on global environmental trends and has worked in the U.S., Bulgaria, Latin America, China, Japan, and Russia. In her work, Catriona helps people develop connections to the natural world, creating work that positively impacts the world.

Catriona is also the founder of Awen Grove, an international non-profit dedicated to bringing the inspiration and wisdom of nature to benefit people’s lives and the Earth. Through this foundation, Catriona offers youth quest nature adventures, support for outdoor education programs, and scholarships. She is a contributor to Healing the Heart of the World: Harnessing the Power of Intention to Change Your Life and the Planet, along with Carolyn Myss, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Masaru Emoto, Fritjof Capra, Thich Nhat Hanh and others.

Catriona lives in Fairfax, California, with her husband, fifteen-year-old son, and many animal friends, both domestic and wild.


“I have been deeply impressed by Catriona MacGregor for many years. Her striking kinship with the animal world and her vision of the natural world are compelling and apparent when you are in her presence. Many people carefully copy native traditions, hoping for a shamanic experience. Catriona MacGregor is a shaman.

         "Catriona's book is a gentle yet somehow startling book, a work of unsuspected beauty, and generously far-ranging in its scope, considering how much it encompasses. It is written with the clarity of one who is consciously living in the web of life and empowered by a unique and enduring vision.”

Jim Gilkeson, author of A Pilgrim in Your Body and Energy Healing

“I love this book. It makes my spirit sing!  Partnering with Nature is a profound invitation to step into the sacred realm of the soul. Through carefully crafted exercises and thoughtful insights, Catriona MacGregor assists us make this revered journey into the hallowed spaces that only nature can provide. She gently allows us to step out of the quickened pace of modern life and though a shimmering portal into an inner landscape that is wild and free, so we can live in ways that are authentic and heartfelt.”
Denise Linn, international speaker and bestselling author of Sacred Space

“From the first paragraph, this masterpiece of a book weaves a magical spell. Into that spell it mixes baby robins, alpha brain waves, shamanic journeys, celtic myths, and water bears into a glorious tapestry of wholeness. And then it weaves you, the reader, into that spell, showing how you can gain access to the spiritual unity behind it all. Warm as a tropical sunset, fresh as a woodland glade, Catriona MacGregor's inviting prose lifts the veil between the material and spiritual worlds—and transports you to the heart of being found in nature.
            “As you read these compelling stories, you will feel all your cells tingle with the recognition that you are made of the stuff of the universe, and find inspiration and renewal in the natural world around you, wherever you live. I recommend this book highly.”
Dawson Church, PhD, author of The Genie in Your Genes

"Catriona MacGregor’s poignant Partnering with Nature is a beautifully wrought synthesis of poetic spirituality and well-grounded practical fact.  Catriona creates an intriguing tapestry of thoughts and images, weaving together history, geology, scientific research, and her own profound spiritual connection with the natural world. ... She speaks convincingly of Earth as teacher, habitat, and salvation, asserting that our connection with the natural environment provides both a portal to the divine and the tools that we will need to preserve our planet as a habitat for humankind. … She concludes by gathering together the many threads of wisdom offered up by her book and leads us gently but inexorably to her conclusion: We as a race will not thrive, evolve or even survive, unless we return to partnership with our earth. She urges us to reclaim the strength of our connection with nature on both a personal and a planetary level. “You are a different person if you are filled with the warm rays of the sun, the clarity of the blue sky, the soaring hawk.” Says Catriona in her final paragraphs.  You will also be a different person after you have read this book. The images of Catriona’s vision will flow through your mind and dance through your heart long after you have finished reading Partnering With Nature."

Amy Racina, author of Angels in the Wilderness

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