
“if you wish to read 
the story of my people 
look no further 
than my body.” 

Pangaea is a collection of poetry about working through the trauma inflicted on a body, whether the trauma comes from a person, a country, or from within. It is the act of learning to be whole in a broken body, a broken world. It is a collection of tales told through generations of stories hidden beneath the skin. 


About the author(s)

Hinnah Mian is a Pakistani American poet and author whose work has appeared in Harness Magazine, JUMP, Blue Minaret, and The Rising Phoenix Review. Her first book, To Build a Home, won silver in the Readers’ Favorite International Book AwardsShe spends her time journaling, exploring, and living out her days with the love of her life—her dog, Felix.


"To be a person of color in literature is to hold the stories your ancestors can no longer tell, and to illustrate the pain the rest of the community can no longer hold inside their chest. PANGAEA is not only a beautiful tribute to heritage and the grief of exclusion, but also an honest reflection of heartbreak, trauma, and the heavier parts of becoming. Mian masterfully crafts each piece with both ferocity and tenderness. I highly recommend investing in this incredibly fulfilling collection." — Ari B. Cofer, author of Paper Girl and the Knives That Made Her

"Pangaea is a brutally honest collection with visceral imagery that’ll stick with you long after reading it. Full of both pain and power, the speaker’s voice transcends the page and creates a lasting emotional impact on the reader. “Handling House-fires” was especially poignant for me, as the final image of the speaker spitting up flowers was so unique and vivid. I’d recommend this to anyone wishing to delve into a heartfelt piece of work dealing with socio-political and cultural dynamics in America and around the world." — Heidi Wong, author of Turning to Wallpaper

Bronze Medal in Poetry - 2022 Readers Favorite Awards

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